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I decided to divide this video into 3 parts as it's quite timeconsuming to edit all dedicated parts at once. This is episode 1 with both speaker sets placed at my usual positioning playing with their neutral default settings. The selected music is not chosen because I like it so much, but rather to demonstrate the qualities and differences between both speaker sets.

It's suprising to hear the results with exactly equal placement as the differences seem far less obvious than from my previous videos, but there are still some noticeable differences regarding imaging and soundstage. I also have the impression as if the A28 sometimes sounded like a lower bitrate version. Overall I would definitely give the edge to the Nuberts which of course is to be predicted given the size and price difference. 

I will post the other episodes when I am back from my parents.

Please let me know your thoughts so far and I am still waiting for suggestions regarding some movie scene with lots of action and dialogs at the same time to be able to compare both in this regard.

Playlist used in this video for your reference:







The music(the jazz at the beginning) is actually not that different from what you usually listen to, I believe.


These recordings are simply quite revealing. Most of them are from my audiophile playlists (published or upcoming ones)


I thought you said that you didn't like the music you played in this video. :)


No, my wife didn’t like it, so I told her that I don’t select tracks because I like them but because they can show some particular differences between speakers and she answered I should clarify this.