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I had some people reporting secondary peaks they could detect which I definitely didn't get so far, but I wanted to try out what would happen if I used other tips for the Free Pro 2 (this should also apply to the Free Pro of course). The great thing with the Free Pro 2 is that you basically have just one single peak that you need to detect. If you use the default tips I can predict the results you will be getting just by knowing your main resonance. Here you can see a raw measurement in grey and the tuned result in black with the default tips:

With the old Earfun Free tips which are quite similar in design and shape the results would be not that different, even slightly smoother overall, but they will already change the balance quite a bit:

Sony MH1 tips will offer completely different results and the secondary peak is cearly noticeable and also hearable with the raw measurement, the tuned result like this would sound just horrible:

I had 2 different types of Spinfit tips (please don't ask me which model exactly as I do not remember), but also those affect the sound to an unusale degree and the secondary peak is also visible and hearable here although to a lesser degree. The tuned sound would again sound different with too much emphasis at 8Khz, not even talking about upper treble which will sound completely different.

The same goes with my other pair of Spinfit tips, also they will offer something completely different and far worse sounding:

Foam-tips have a similar tendency like the Spinfit tips above, but everything will be smoothend out, still the final result won't resemble my original tuning in any way.

Keep in mind that I can only offer valid results to you if you use the original included tips of the Free Pro or Free Pro 2, as soon as you switch to other tips you will get a completely different sound and all my effort to offer everyone exactly the same sound was for the birds. 

Here another graph of the Free Pro 2 raw response measured with various types of tips but at the same resonance of 7k (insertion depth will of course be different depending on the tip), you can see that despite the same resonance the upper harmonics vary too much not only in amplitute but also in position between different tips:

I could offer a custom tuning service for your given desired tips and your exact ear canal resonance, but I would need to get exactly the same tips somewhere or would need your tips to be sent to me. Of course I cannot do this for free as the effort would be enormous. I need to create a completely new EQ setting just for you with the given paramters. If there is interest I can think about this maybe for a high-end level, please let me know so that we can talk about the details, etc.



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