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This was a pretty productive week at Apollo Seven Games. The end of story update for Netoria is underway and the next preview for At the Mountains of Friendship is very close to being done. 

Let's start off with Netoria. I made the first version of the new levels and it didn't feel right. So I've made a change in the story. The war stuff that was being set up at the end of chapter 5 has been cut. The larger scale just didn't feel right and wasn't all that fun in the end. So I'm going to keep it more personal. The major motivation will still be stopping the servitors, but the characters will do it of their own initiative. There's only three levels left in the game. The first two of those will be used showing the devastation the servitors are causing as the party makes their way back to the castle. Including a return to the village from chapter 22.

It looks a little different now though. There's still a lot to do here, but it gives you a general idea of the direction it's heading.

I've also stated writing the new sex scenes, beginning as always with the intro and motivations. There's a lot in this update though, so I'm almost certain at this point the update won't be done this month. But for you Patrons I'll be able to get some previews out, so you'll still be seeing new stuff in April.

Next up let's ATMOF. Girl 11 is underway, code-named Catastrophy, and I've got the voice acting for 7 of the starting 10 girls in. The UI is also done, which means the game looks fairly close to its finished form now. I still have some polishing to do and tutorials to make before giving out the next preview but it's really close.

This girl's aesthetic is goth, and her fetish is futanari. As you might be able to tell, her mechanic is all about buffing girls who have cats as their favorite pet. Girl 12 will be her counterpart, focusing on dog lovers instead. 

I've also been working on some new mechanics, things like items, a progressive difficulty system, and run modifiers. What of these will actually make it into the game will be seen, but now that the foundations are set and mostly done I'm trying to add a little more replayability beyond just the addition of new girls. 

That's all for this week. As always, thank you for your continued support.


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