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We're up to girl four in our previews, and unlike last week this one actually is a girl. For those who like their girls a little more on the aggressive side, well more than a little, it's Dominique!

Dominique's fetish is femdom, and her aesthetic is grunge. In this case, the femdom is flavored in the sissification direction. Throughout the course of her story she finds a guy and makes him her sissy slut. I thought my audience would enjoy that direction, although it's not like I'm not a fan of it myself. She's one of the most sexually aggressive characters in the cast. Unlock the other characters we've seen so far, whose stories involve becoming corrupted and going down new sexually paths, Dominique is the one who does the corrupting.

With her, the newfound lust just makes her even more aggressive in her pursuits. And her pal Christopher (or as she calls him, Chrissy) ends up on the bad (or good) side of that.

I tried to build a variety of corruption paths into the game beyond just "girl who doesn't want to have sex has sex". That's a pretty good one, but it's get boring after seeing it over and over. So some girls get corrupted, some girls corrupt, and some girls *gasp* have wholesome relationships. Not too many of them though.

In battle, Dominique's code-name was "trainer". She's one of the weakest girls in the game by herself, but all her skills provide scaling to others in some way. For example, at level 1 she gives the leas girl +1/+1 permanently. Girls giving permanent boosts is really rare, some girls give themselves permanent boosts, or can turn other sources permanent, but the vast majority of them last for one combat only. An early Dominique can boost another girl to be much more powerful, but she herself will always be rather weak.

One of the best ways you can use her is to give her a partner she fights with as much as possible, that way their friendship boosts will raise her stats to something more usable. Remember kids, when fighting eldritch horrors, the power of friendship always prevails!

So that's Dominique, the fourth girl of the first ten. Will she be on your team to help buff up some kind of tank or carry? Or will you leave her on the sidelines?


Charlie Weddle

Gonna power up Emma early game and then just go on a tear doing solo missions with her gigantic beef stats, that's the gameplan for me.