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As we get closer and closer to The Monster Within coming out of early access, I have less and less time to work on anything else. But luckily I pay other people to make art for me and they're still doing cool stuff so I've got plenty to show in this update.

For Futa Oasis, I was looking at things, and I think I can get an update out this month after all. TMW comes out on the 22nd, and that leaves a good amount of time left in the month, and the new threesome scenes are about half done, I think I could finish them by the 28th. So, that means this month's rewards look like this: First At the Mountains of Friendship build for $10 patrons, and new Futa Oasis scenes for $5 patrons, a week late.

This will mean that the last few updates will have when they come out shifted. I could probably get the next set done in only two weeks if I focus on it, and that would mean the $10 build would be on the second Friday instead of the first. Everything else would shift a week later as well. Anyway, this the bottom line is everybody's getting the Patreon rewards as normal, just time shifted slightly. 

I've been playing a lot of At the Mountains of Friendship lately, and I think this build is pretty darn solid. The artist just finished up the big victory scene. When you win with a girl, you add her to your "collection". There's a big Smash Ultimate style illustration of all the girls getting tentacle fucked. You have to win with each of them to get the entire scene. 

It's a fun way to keep track of your progress as well as sexy and all that. I think it turned out really well. I might end up making it so that for them to be added to the full scene you also have to get them to max level and see their final solo scene. That way it keeps track of which girls you've "finished". But that's for later when those solo scenes actually exist. Making art for them is the next big thing the artist is working on.

I don't have any news about Netoria, because I haven't done any work on it. I'll start focusing on it again next month after TMW is done and I get those Futa Oasis scenes churned out. But I do have some more character art.

It's the line art for Kobold Joe! Wow! I'll have more character intros like I did for the main character soon. 

Lastly, I have some news about Naked Ambition/Clothed Ambition. And that news is... animation!

Yeah, so I'm planning to add a lot more character animation to the game. I think that will help plus it up a bit, make things look alive. 

Also, there's a TF Card Battle update coming out alongside The Monster Within. Take a look!

This one has two new card packs for Hucow and Schoolgirl.

That's all for this week. Five projects, five pieces of preview art, I hope it satisfied your lust for news. Exciting times here at Apollo Seven Games. Now I need to get back to crunching out The Monster Within. As always, thank you for your continued support.


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