JuggCalendar (Oct, 15th Edition) (edit) (Patreon)
Earlier today we put out a Poll titled "What do you want MORE of from JuggMind?" and you guys let your voices be heard. Its clear to us that you want more STUDENT LIFE and the results say so:
If it was up to me I'd be doodling all day long but thank god its not. We looked at the poll results closely and came up with a great idea for Student Life moving forward. Next week Monday we'll start production on a Student Life Story titled "Munchkin's Adventures". What we have in mind is to do a series of comics portraying Munchkin as she lives out her new fantasy in Capilano. Its bound to be a fuck-fest and we want to make it more "Cartoon Porn" than overall world building.
Hope this makes you guys happy. Will post the 1st WIP of SL: Munchkin's Adventures on the 21st of October 💜
(Download the JuggCalendar below 👇🏽)
Here is an updated version of the calendar that was posted on the 1st. 15 Days ago we were unsure about what the Jugga-Doodles LiveStreaming Events would bring. Now we know that pretty much anything can be broadcasted on those streams, we've done 2 so far and the 3rd is happening tomorrow at 4pm (SAST), 10am (Eastern) & 7am (Pacific). On the 1st Jugga-Doodles LiveStream we worked on the Ariana Grande Poppin' Pin-Up, on the 2nd the Jugga-Doodles concept was born. It has become an awesome space that allows me to draw little Bukkake face-bath sketches amongst other things, I can't wait to do more!
As you can see above the "Tron Carter Commission" has been taken off of the schedule. That is due to Tron not being able to provide us with a specific briefing. It is because of this that their commission has been moved to November. We hope that by then Tron can provide us with a comprehensive outline of what they want so that we can move forward with their Comic Book project; that said, a Commissioner spot has opened up. If you're interested in taking it please eMail us at geortegaart@gmail.com
We will be working on the 2nd Morph page tomorrow (16th, Oct 2019) and look to have it done before the month is over. Please keep in mind that the schedule is subject to change, it will all depend on whether we are able to have another Commissioner jump on board before month-end.
We hope that you guys are enjoying the content that we provide you daily. If you have any questions and / or requests or ideas please don't hesitate to eMail or DM us.
Have a lovely rest of your week 💜💋