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Hi Everyone! I've been super busy juggling several projects at once, but it's time for the poll as suggested by our 5$+ Patrons.  You can suggest something every month if you're at least a "Zi Helper"

I reserve to take creative freedom with any of the winning suggestions.

The poll ends in two days~!

Here are our Suggestions to vote on!

🫦.) Something similar to Body by Wizz would be fun. While out on the boardwalk a guy buys a shirt thinking it is just a novelty shirt and soon finds himself as a woman with a body very much like what was on the shirt. Maybe instead of a bikini, she ends up in a crop top and short shorts.

🤠.)This may have been done but how about tall overweight guy is walking out side sweating a ton from the summer heat as he enjoys a large ice cream cone. Has he walking parts of the ice cream just drops on the ground. He dose not notice that chunks of his overweight body falling off as well. When the cone is gone he is now a tall bomb shell of a woman and no longer sweating.

🦄.)A guy applies for a job as a lifeguard. The lady lifeguard training him gives him uniform clearly meant for a woman, though she says its standard issue.  She trains him in cpr and has him practice on her. Every time their lips meet during mouth to mouth, his body changes more and more into a woman.

(Trying to put a little more effort into my Posts!)



As a former lifeguard, yes please :3c