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Keeping this simple, A Summer theme. Pools, Beaches, etc. do it up.

I didn't forget to put up the suggestion thread! You did... >.>
As is tradition.

It is opening up to you 5$ + Lovelies. This is open until the 15th


  • Keep things simple, No more than three-four subjects.
  • ONE suggestion per patron!
  • You must be paid in for the month. So check if your payment has gone through.
  • I will select the top 3-5 suggestions of my choice and put them up for a vote.
  • For now, I will go through the suggestions and approve them. This may change later.
  • Keep your suggestions under 200 words. The idea is an "Elevator Pitch."
  • If the suggestion includes Not Safe for work or sexual situations, then No CHARACTERS UNDER THE AGE OF 18.

    This'll be open until the 15th of this month. The vote opens on the 16th!



A guy slowly changes into his fiery red head alter every time someone mentions how hot it is. In the end she goes and cools off at the pool.

Patrick Hunt

Zed wanted to go out to the beach on his free time. Him and Zi made an agreement to switch bodies depending on what activity they wanted to do. As the sun was about to set, Zi wanted to do a tan before giving the body back to Zed as he was sleeping. Once she sets herself to a tanning bed and set the time for it to stop, she purposely left her head out as the rest of the body gets tanned while transforming her head back to Zed to surprise him when he wakes up. Once he wakes up, he unironically likes what Zi thought of and thanks her for having fun with him.


Desperate to beat the summer heat man has small inflatable pool to soak/float in. One day he replenishes the chlorine but for some reason the tablet is pink but doesn’t pay it much mind. He spends the day in the pool and falling asleep. The water transforms him to a woman. Waking up oblivious to change and much to his neighbor’s surprise/arousal.