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For voting tiers these are the top three I liked.  Pick one and I’ll do my best to make this into a hybrid pinup or a mini comic.  I reserve the right to use artistic license and make suggestions work to my storytelling ability.

A.) A couple take a picnic in a local park, to which they lay down and cuddle with each other. The boyfriend starts sneezing due to pollen from a flower nearby that he is allergic to. Each gentle sneeze (a trait that his girlfriend finds adorable) causes him to shift into a decent figured, girl-next-door type woman. Once done, they proceed to enjoy themselves for the rest of their picnic.

2.) A business man while on the phone giving orders to subordinate walks by a plant that dumps a load of pollen on him. He starts scratching at a rash caused by the pollen and he transforms more and more each time he scratches it until he becomes a a thicc secretary and is now taking orders from her subordinate turned boss.

λ.) A Ranma 1/2 scenario where every time a guy sneezes he magically turns into a different "Pixar-mom shaped" woman



please actually use ranma in the ranma 1/2 option if it wins, like a failed attempt to cure the curse.( also it seems more of a launch from dragonball with the "sneeze and change" thing. )

Sara Phantoma

Futaba Kun change vibes from lambda.


No Futaba-kun changed into a girl when he got horny, ranma changed into a girl when he got wet ( with water you perverts (joke) ), launch changed hair colour and personality when she sneezed.