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Oh gosh. So much pollen! So much dander! I'm going to SNEEZE! Let's hear your best ideas for Allergy themed to turn into a piece for the month!  


As is tradition.

Opening up to you 5$ + Lovelies.

Please if you have your suggestion! please get it in by tomorrow!

This is open until the 12th


  • Keep things simple, No more than two subjects.
  • Try to keep things to my "Brand" as in No Punishment, Generally Positive subjects.
  • ONE suggestion per patron!
  • You must be paid in for the month. So check if your payment has gone through.
  • I will select the top 3-5 suggestions of my choice, and put them up to a vote.
  • For now I will go through suggestions and approve them, this may change later.
  • Keep your suggestions under 200 words. The idea is an "Elevator Pitch"
  • If the suggestion includes Not Safe for work or sexual situations then No CHARACTERS UNDER THE AGE OF 18.



Don't sneeze too hard, your head may shoot off. But if it does, just hope your body is the one to pick it back up to put on...


Two male best friends in a park, talking about what their ideal woman looks like. Due to the pollen, each time they describe an attribute, the other one sneezes, taking on that attribute. Soon, each is excitedly describing their favorite attributes, until both are transformed, and leave the park, maybe more than best friends.


A business man while on the phone giving orders to subordinate walks by a plant that dumps a load of pollen on him. He starts scratching at a rash caused by the pollen and he transforms more and more each time he scratches it until he becomes a a thicc secretary and is now taking orders from her subordinate turned boss.


A guy is relaxing on the side of a pool all muscled up and sun lotioned, when suddenly a strangely shaped and colored bee stings him on the butt. He complains about how he is allergic to bees and starts to swell up, but instead of having a bad reaction he starts swelling up, butt first, then his face changing, followed by tits, then his “manhood” spurting away, into a thick mommy version of himself now clad in a tiny string thong bikini yelling at a little brown haired kid to not run around the pool.


Guy browses flower store shopping for girlfriend. Has allergies and is sneezing everywhere. Seemingly unaware, features of his body change every time he sniffs a flower and sneezes. The flower shape/colors hint at the changes he receives. He pleasurably endures his transformation, eventually deciding on a flower with a lesbian-ish pun name. Walks out female and happy to see his (her) girlfriend.

Alexander Pontier

A man is suffering from allergies when he, unknowingly, walks through a flower garden. He walks by a plot of yellow daffodils and sneezes, as he does, long blonde hair erupts from his scalp. He passes a patch of sunflowers, sneezes and grows as tall as they are and his skin turns a chestnut brown to match the flowers’ faces. He looks more relaxed as he passes by a hydrangea bush, but he still sneezes, blowing out now her chest and gluts to match the hydrangeas. Looking much healthier, she walks on, seemingly unaware of her glow-up.

Brittany Bovine

A Ranma 1/2 scenario where every time a guy sneezes he magically turns into a different "Pixar-mom shaped" woman


A short, scrawny nerdy college student is having a study date with a cute girl. However, she is wearing a rare flower that starts to trigger his allergies. He starts to swell, both in height and modest curves as a 'rash' of brown spots forms. Fearing what his friend will think of the 'side effects' (which to him is common) he tries to hide the effects, make excuses, or stay further away. However with every sneeze his hair grows down to his butt, the rash merges into a tan, and he swells to a near 7-foot tall amazonian with bouncy, clothes-shredding curves. Fortunately however, the girlfriend finds his new form cute and even encourages the tf more until subject is all-girl. Ironically when the tf is complete, the amazonian finds they have become immune to the flower. Not that either girl minds.


This could be a supero spin off where a guy sees danger then so when he suits up he injects himself with a vile of allergies and he turns into a bimbo female super hero.


A guy has a rare allergy where he is in fact allergic to girls. Not deadly, fortunatly just minor reactions. One day a new allergy medicine is created for this rare condition. He signs up to try it out and it works, but now each girl he comes into contact with turns him more and more into a woman himself.


Raw honey is always good for allergies...


A man who longs for a cure to his seasonal allergies finds out about a new allergy vaccine, it cures him but not without some "voluptuous" side effects...