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Someone get a Vaccine, Taking a Medication? Well The side effects seem to be the theme to this month!


As is tradition.

Opening up to you 5$+ Lovelies.

This is open until the 15th


  • Keep things simple, No more than two subjects.
  • Try to keep things to my "Brand" as in No Punishment, Generally Positive subjects.
  • You must be paid in for the month. So check if your payment has gone through.
  • I will select the top 3-5 suggestions of my choice, and put them up to a vote.
  • For now I will go through suggestions and approve them, this may change later.
  • Keep your suggestions under 200 words. The idea is an "Elevator Pitch"



Continuation of the March MILF comic. A guy hangs around the Milfs from the first part of the March comic for too long and turns into their daughter as you can't have a MILF if they don't have a child


A new side effect: recarnate victims in loli

Lorelei Stockhausen

Medication for confidence and energy. Side effects may include but are not limited to: reduced height, weight gain, huge breast growth, penis shrinking, feminization, craving for strawberries I'd like to see a closeted transwoman use this medication to get confidence about getting out of the closet and has have an affirming transformation to a chubby, short, very busty shortstack. Retains a tiny penis, which is all good for her. Happy feelings all around.


Given that its meant for the elevator series(?) I think something entirely new and fresh would be nice. I thought of something like a Punk Rock aesthetic, complete with a hairstyle like a iro, ripped jeans and a wild party. Just is a nice depature and something fresh in my mind at least.


Side effects eh? Well how about an average guy goes to the gym and is offered a new energy drink for his work out. He takes a swig and feels much more energized and his gains are rapid but the side effect is that the area that is the focus of his exercise is rapidly feminized


2 separate injections; first could be for any reason including accident, and gives a preview of the most extreme side effects but fades away over 2-3 weeks; second injection makes the effects permanent if taken in that window, this time with the option to pick which parts/proportions felt the most right. ‘Felt right’ as judged from experiencing them of course, as they slowly reverted during the 2 and a half weeks before the person’s second appointment. (Can more specific this’s just elevator pitch)


Side Effect: every time you have sex your secondary sexual characteristics slowly evolve to that of the opposite sex. Ideally this involves a couple who (initially) are doing this to each other unknowingly, but become aware of what is happening and try to resist having sex but can’t help themselves.


A guy gets a new sex gel that's advertised to "Give her the lover of her dreams." His girlfriend is Bi and while they are having sex she fantasizes about a woman, this causes the pill to transform the guy into the woman of her dreams.


A young guy is at a doctors office receiving a new vaccine from a previously incurable life threading disease. The only problem is the vaccine has a side effect on men that turns them into women. The nurse comes in to give him the injection, she assures him everything will be fine and tells him that she was once a guy before taking the same vaccine. She says her life is happyier now and hopes that he can be to. She injects him and he changes. The new woman no longer feels sick and kisses the nurse in a moment of joy, leaving the nurse with a smile on her face.

Ruyxi Sylpheyes

A power Potion in an RPG: A new power potion on the market for a deep VR game, based off the ancient recipe of the Amazonians. Side effects include turning into a woman, and a 10% chance of becoming a giant Amazonian woman with the effects being permanent.


A woman experiences a side effect resulting in them being turned into a smol, adorable, feminine looking male.


An elevator where every stage is a different ethnicity with all the attributes (big tits for african ethticity and so on...)

Matt Zenn

A guy eats a cup of his wife's Ractiva Yogurt...and go. 😁


A new lifestyle game called 'Marital Crossing' hits the market, but there seems to be a distinct side effect of playing it for excessive periods of time. Users have been known to become overtly caring, experience massive boosts in estrogen, have a strong desire to look after both their partners and their neighbours, and build communities around them. Additional effects seem to include a desire to build a family whilst expanding their homes and learning to bake. Some reports have even stated instances of clothing being pulled in to the transformation, and reality altering to fit the subjects desire for a perfect marital life.

jimmy d banthrall jr

swelling and lactation after a new flu shot with hightened pleasure from touching the breasts with shrinkage in testicular area softer skin and a loss of body hair. the only hair left afterwards is fuller health and soft. no need of deoderants , perfume , or make up . first hand contact with these people is like what happens when there's an awards show .


A sleep medication has the side-effects of vivid dreaming, the dreams being so potent that they in-fact start to permeate the body of the dreamer. Supermodels, bbw's and bimbos seem to be the most common subjects, and with each night users find themselves shifting physically closer and closer to the subjects of their desires.


An anti-depressant that's been on the market with great critical success comes with an undisclosed side-effect: progressive boosting of estrogen and female characteristics. Our protagonist goes from not noticing the side effects while they take hold, to noticing but not recognizing/stopping (as the medicine is improving mood and life), and eventually realizing they've become fully a woman and their depression is gone!


A smoker decides to try hypno therapy to curb his addiction for the upteenth time. While he notices he's no longer tempted by the death sticks, he can't help but notice he's craving another kind of stick. Can he quit the cigs cold turkey or will she be craving cock for the rest of her days instead? Title: Smoking Hot


Let go with a “flu” shot that is distributed to the masses and it turn out to have very curious side effect and causes man to have gender problems and development


To address a rare but life-threatening condition, Charlie undergoes a procedure that saves their life, but changes them from a man to a voluptuous woman. While happy to be alive, they are nervous about how their dramatic physical transformation will affect their relationship with their longtime partner, Dominique. Unbeknownst to Charlie, Dominique undergoes the same treatment in a show of solidarity, transforming from female to male. While both are somewhat shaken by their respective transformations, their joy at still having each other (alive) wins out and they embrace. *kiss*


Portal Test: A scientist finishes a device to create a Portal to travel anywhere. He decides to test it out for himself and goes to the portal. As he is traveling through, he slowly transforms into a woman. The newly transform scientist is extremely happy to see her device works and categorize this as a success.