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Things are going alright!

I just got my first covid vaccine. (Tired as hell from it.)
I hope those who are comics patrons are enjoying the new anthology! I had a good time making it. Next on the docket is Lift Chapter 2, and writing a couple novellas that I've already made the covers to. Although the novellas are going to take a while.   I took a little time off to relax after post-comic release burn out. And I've sketched a bunch. I'll be releasing my Winter Sketchbook in about a week. (It's not big, but I need to compile some sketches I forgot to put in my file.)  Either today or tomorrow I'll put up the Suggestion thread. Which'll likely be "April Showers" again,  or "Vaccine"? I think that's a fun little thing. or "Side effects"

Anyway. Things are going well, I hope you all are staying healthy and safe.

Love you all lots.



'Gratz on getting your first dose! As a side note about the pandemic... I might actually buy a nice mask and use it even after the whole thing is officially "over". I haven't gotten a single sinus infection or cold over the past year, even though it used to be the norm for me in the colder months. It's weird to me now that we would just accept sitting on a bus or subway surrounded by filthy plague rats and not try to protect ourselves. Humans are gross, man.


I can relate. Please read information on the side effects. I always have reacted poorly with flu shots. I have gotten both shots 💉 first one was a little trouble for three days but the second one was definitely I was down for one week. Be well and stay safe my friend. Drink a whole lot of liquids.

Ruyxi Sylpheyes

Second shot generally hits alot of people harder, Little piece of advice, plan a day off for your second shot just incase you end up one of the ones that get hit harder.

Ruyxi Sylpheyes

It's practicality vs cultural norms. They wear masks all the time overseas, its just most people don't want to stand out and so never wore masks before. I wore a mask to class when i was sick with a cold before the pandimic even started cause I didn't want to give people my cold and in countries like Japan it is considered EXTREMLY rude if you don't wear a mask to protect others from your cold. Piece of advice, get a respirator mask that accepts cartrages and some P100 filters to do yard work in and such. respirators with p100 filters work a lot better and i used to get sinus infections all the time thanks to yardwork but the mask as cured me of a lot of problems


I actually wear a mask when allergens are pretty high these days. It's been nice to have something to take the edge off.


Okay, thanks for the good news and for letting us know about your plans. The main thing is that you are doing well and that you have been vaccinated!


Vaccines typically result in bupkiss for me as far as side effects go... which is probably due to over a decade of immunotherapy with allergy shots. My body’s used to the whole rigamarole at this point.


And hopefully this can rewrite our cultural norms a bit in the Western world. They’re not just useful, they look stylish if you do it right. Hopefully the fashion/tech industry pushes them in the future.