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Kicking off March, we have a non oc related sprite character preview! :O I'll give the heads up... This character might be a spoiler for Miki's route. There will be some mentions related to the character further below that lean more into spoilers, but we'll have the visual previews seen first before that. (In case you wish to purely see the visuals and skip the text.)

Without any more rambling! I present to you... Mika!

~Artist Credits: Lisa

...Mika Wallenberg! That's right! Don't let her looks deceive you though! This isn't Miki's sister or cousin, but it's her mother! :O Similar to Miki, she's lacking in height and sadly that's not the only lacking quality about her... >.<

From left to right: Mika's casual outfit, followed by her old school uniform and a lingerie corset. The two outfits being bonus unlockables! But the casual outfit is what we'll see Mika in most of the time.

Talking briefly about the design choices here for visuals...

Mika Wallenberg was a difficult character to figure out her design, given she's supposed to be Miki's mom. I had the backstory details for Mika in mind for many months and knew very early on, that it made sense to me, that Mika would be more on the petite side. It just made sense to me given what we can see with Miki and assuming that Miki isn't quite growing too much more past the age of 18, where she sits currently... <.<

I figured for Mika, it'd make sense that the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree in the case of visuals between Mika and Miki. Of course... That being said, I did have my concerns that Mika would come off feeling too young or intentionally designed to feel like that. Which really isn't the case, but I know some will have their doubts. >.<

We'll dive into more details further below about Mika's personality that help back her overall design, even considering her age group.

Regarding the outfits seen... I wanted her casual choices in fashion to reflect her personality, much like Miki. Even though she's in a older age group, she doesn't allow that to stop her from dressing in a subtle cute way, but balanced out so that her outfits don't feel like they belong to someone super young either... ^^" I think we managed to strike the perfect balance in this, but it'll be subjective to anyone.

For the two bonus outfits. Her old school uniform came from the idea of when Mika was still in high school many years ago, while still living in Sweden. I wanted to shoot for a design that felt like it has subtle hints of being from earlier decades in clothing, but still something standard enough. <.< Of course, if you couldn't tell... We kind of wanted to "sneak" the Sweden flag colors into the uniform. :P The corset was more of a pure fan service kind of outfit, not quite "canon" that she'd wear.

Moving along! Mika has 3 sets of underwear and wah?! She has a diaper?! :O

Let's begin with the elephant in the room... The diaper. This is a fun bonus unlockable for Mika based on player choices, so we designed how her diaper design that'd fit her well would look like, aaaand... Here we have it! :P It might be hard to see and sorry to any Swedes out there for having to use google translate. ^^"

The text on her diaper says "familjekärlek" which should translate to.. "family love" (I hope... ^^") This makes sense to include in her diaper design, along with her hearts seen on the front and the mix of colorful flowers, hearts on the wings of the diaper. Even though it isn't seen here, on the backside... She has a cutesy arctic fox print on the back padding.

Her tastes in underwear to me felt as if she shouldn't be wearing super cutesy, completely full on print designs. <.< But as you can see above... She does have some days where she wants to feel a little bit more younger than her current age. (That or her underwear gets mixed up in the wash with Miki's?)

Lastly before we dive into more details on Mika below, we have a expression sheet preview! Showcasing some of the expressions to expect to see from her in-game!

Even though Mika isn't a student at the academy, it seems the school tries to keep records on everyone who visits the academy... <.< So, we have some details that the academy has gathered on Mika below!

Name: Mika Wallenberg
Weight: 95lbs.
Birth Date: July 26th.
Zodiac: Leo.
Nationality: Swedish.
Age: 36.
Body type: Skinny.
Bust: AA cup.
Activities/Interests: Drawing, nature observing, hiking, family vacations, board games.

Personality Traits: Energetic, cute, aloof, adventurous, supportive, loving.

~Outfits~ (Image: Left to Right.)
-Casual outfit.
-Old school uniform.
-Lingerie corset.
-x3 Underwear sets.
-Diaper + Bra.


Mika is the Mother of our student Miki Wallenberg, married to Niklas. From what we've dung up about her past... Mika was very much like her daughter when she was younger and still is a bit to this day. In the past, her energy matched Miki and while living in the countryside of Sweden, she was always exploring around and seeking out fun! Her great imagination would help her in her little adventures and playing within the countryside. But when she did have to stay in-doors, she'd spent most of her time drawing and playing board games.

At some point in her early teens, she met Niklas who she had a little crush on secretly. But she'd get him to tag along with her on some of her imaginative adventures in the countryside, even if he originally thought she was a bit goofy at first. Niklas would bring his camera with him in order to capture wild life, landscapes and other interests, hoping to one day travel the world as a photographer. Mika would also make use of his photos for references in her drawings, making for a great duo!

The two became the best of friends in the years to follow, but with Niklas being a few years older than Mika and finishing his college. He was ready to to leave Sweden for a few months to begin his first big photographer job outside of his home country. This would lead Mika to admit her feelings to Niklas, being too worried that if she didn't share them now... She'd lose her best friend and the one she loves.

Niklas accepted her feelings and felt a connection to Mika as well, leading the two to make love a few times before his trip, but he promised her that when he returns. They'd get married. He would return back to Sweden after a few months and be surprised to see that Mika was a few months pregnant, unaware that he had knocked her up during their shared affection. Both being nervous, but also happy and excited to be with each other once again. The two married each other shortly after and soon after, Niklas would be tasked with a long term photographer job in Japan.

Not wanting to leave his newly wed wife behind, she decided to move to Japan with him during his stay there for his work. He didn't want to miss out on their daughter growing up, so the two moved to Japan. This would last until their daughter Miki was 5-6 years old, then Niklas was tasked with traveling to other countries for a few months, return back to Japan for a couple months and throughout their time together. They'd also return to visit family in Sweden for some time.

During all of this, Mika was mainly a stay at home mom for their daughter Miki. Even though most of her time was taken up by being a great mother for Miki, she'd still pursue her dream job of drawing from home.

Miki was taught to write and speak Swedish, but just like her parents had to adapt to living in Japan during their stay. She too would be taught to write and speak Japanese like her parents. Miki would struggle with this and even still to this day, but she seems to know enough naturally that it isn't a major concern for the academy to step in and offer their services for the language barrier.

While Mika isn't as energetic as she once was when she was younger, she can still have her moments. She comes across as being a loving and caring person, one who is supportive of not only their daughter, but encouraging to her friends. Sometimes her clumsy or dizzy side gets the best of her, but that seems to be something that mother and daughter share quite a bit at times...

We're still collecting more information on Mika Wallenberg during our parent visit periods and public events at the academy, but she doesn't seem to be a threat to our plan at the school.

[Report End]

That does it for our preview report! :P Mika will be seen within Miki's route a few times during school visiting periods/events. I won't go more into detail, but... I will say that there will be more than just unlockable outfits for Mika for the player to dive into with her! ;)

Look out for some optional paths within Miki's route you can lean into!

Let us know your thoughts on Mika! Like her? Dislike her? Meh? We love hearing your thoughts no matter good or bad, in-between!



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