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[This post may contain possible minor spoilers linked to the character Miki for the game, yet to be seen in content not yet released. You have been warned, turn back now or continue if you don't mind minor spoilers!]

Earlier this month we shared Brandon's last addition preview, which is decent spoilers, but without context it probably won't make too much sense for it. ^^" Just know it's tied to a select route, but if you wish to check that post out, you may do so with the link below! ^^

Moving on with Miki as our focus on today's post! I have 3 outfits to share with a final outfit that will be seen later, which isn't ready yet. So without further delay, let's see the preview image and discuss what we're looking at.

The first addition on the left is a extra pair of cutesy and very fitting panties for Miki for those rare sections in the game when events unfold that allow periods of being able to go without diapers for students. The idea in general for Miki's fashion sense is that she very much still fits in a lot of clothing that's meant for kids, but she just enjoys the more cutesy and fun sense of that clothing overall compared to what might be considered normal for her age.

The second addition highlights this concept more so, with her pajamas! Technically.. She already had pajamas created long before, but they were very simple and honestly.. It was only a little crop top sort of deal, it felt like Miki didn't deserve that and knowing how fun her character is. I wanted to go with a fitting pajamas design that'd fit her, ending up with what we can see above. Pretty much cutesy as mentioned before. :P (Fun fact, her yellow bloomers come off in case she really doesn't want to bother with wearing those to bed.)

The third addition might be a bit of a surprise and I could go into great detail about it, as some of you might recall many months ago. We had asked in a poll if we should add pullup diapers into MA and make sense of them with the academy's rules or what the reasoning would be for them. Well.. This never did come to light as it felt a bit too much, but with Miki I did think it'd make perfect sense for her.. (Incoming slight spoilers from Miki's Dream content)

For those who have played Miki's Dream, which expands a bit on Miki's past in some aspects and even gives a light intro to her first days at the academy, meeting Erika, etc. You'll come to learn that Miki never grew out of diapers and her parents didn't see any harm in their daughter wishing to wear them, figuring she would naturally move on in time. While has worn both pullup diapers and regular diapers through the years for different uses naturally, most likely deciding to settle with pullups while at school at times to not bring too much attention to herself. But also maybe deciding to go to bed in those compared to normal diapers for her own comfort reasons, etc.

So pretty much, it felt fitting to highlight at some point within Miki's route that we'll find out she also wears pullup diapers still while at the academy, even if its for select reasons or periods. We'll come to learn more about why she does and why go through the hassle if she enjoys her normal diapers provided by the academy as well? (With the design, I wanted to go with how Asian pullup diapers sort of looked for inspiration. The little prints pair up well with Miki's love for magical girl stuff, being a icon from just that seen on the front with some sakura blossoms in pastel blues/pink to the left and right of it.)

Aaaand with that, it wraps up our sprite preview for Miki! I'm hoping Lisa will have the last outfit addition finished up by the end of this month so we can see how that looks early in June. ^^

Let us know your thoughts on Miki's adorable additions!

~Artist Credits: Lisa




I thought I'd never see Miki in panties! I guess there are times when diapers are not required. Or rather, the whole "diaper" thing is hidden from visitors. Maybe her parents will visit and notice her being out of diapers. Or worse, she wets herself because she never learned to control herself! I wonder if she's wearing a diaper under her pajamas. Since she likes diapers so much, I suspect she wears them 24/7. The pull-ups look fine. Not quite as cute, but very practical. What could be her final outfit...? We've seen Lola and Brandon in cosplay, so maybe there's a costume party?


Eyup! :P Should be safe on this mention for spoilers, as I think early on with the academy rules mentioned. It hints that there's moments where the school naturally wants students to hide any secrets of whats going on when outsiders are around briefly, but of course in Miki's case it's a bit unique given her background/history. (Should be surprising and fun for players when the time comes.) Rightfully a good guess! I won't confirm anything here, but I'm sure it'll be brought up within a fitting scene when we see her in her pajamas. :P Overall, really fun mentions! ^^ I will say I've seen Miki's final outfit addition shared to me and simply put, it should feel super fitting to Miki's personality/character. Very happy with how it turned out and can't wait to share the preview!