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We're about to hit the end of June and I know many of you have been very patient with us, possibly eager to get your hands on some new content. I'm once again opening this post up for the public as I want to make sure everyone be up to date about the episode 4 release situation and other plans this Summer as we work towards making up our lost time.

Let's begin with the less exciting news, then work our way to more hopeful news.

With episode 4 I ran into some issues with the script before I send it off for editing and it makes it's way into the engine for release. I know how that sounds and it's been a long wait already, but there were some problems within the script that needed to be adjusted now rather than later. So I'm a tiny bit behind on having it sent over for it's editing pass and into the engine process.

What does that mean exactly?

It means we're looking at a bit more of a delay due to how the process is handled sadly, which there isn't much else we can do about speeding it up. I tackle the writing, while we have Uncle Artie covering editing/engine work. We both work day jobs outside of the project and so I can't speak for Uncle, but it can be a hassle at times I know to get home from a 8-10 hour shift and get as much done project wise, while trying to not over work and not have any free time.

Don't take that the wrong way, we love working on the project but I'm just trying to help fill everyone in for a look into the dev process as we're not anywhere close to being able to live off of funding right now, more so when it's split 4-5 ways to cover assets from art, music, engine work, etc. I'm just trying to help give a better idea that while we enjoy working on the project and wish it to become even better, many of us on the team are out there with our day jobs and need to sneak a hour or two of rest time into the mix on days lol. :P

Anyways, I just wanted to help give more insight to who we are and what we do. Maybe it'll help give a better idea as to how our process works when it's purely project dev time, maybe some will disagree and that's fine too.

So what are you saying? What about episode 4?

I'm looking to wrap up the fixes needed on the script here tonight before I get to bed. I'd like to have the script then sent off late tonight or early Saturday morning to Uncle Artie. (25-26th US cst) He will then go through the editing/engine process, which can take 5-7 days. So with that in mind, we're expecting July 2nd or 3rd roughly, could be sooner just depending on how quickly editing/engine stuff goes, but I'm expected a 7 day time frame.

With that in mind, I don't want to beat around the bush with anyone by any means... <.< If you are on the fence with how things have been lately. Then please by all means, cancel your recurring payment leading into July until you personally feel its time to return.

I don't mean that in a disrespecting way either, I understand and get it. With how things have been, I don't want to lead anyone on and if you need to wait until we announce the release of the public and supporter have finally happened before supporting again or still be on the fence a bit to see how things proceed further, then I'll completely understand.

We'll be sure to let everyone publicly know exactly once the new public and supporter releases have been released asap, so even if you're not a supporter. We'll have a public announcement on Patreon, Discord, KS, Twitter, etc.

Once again, I'm sorry with how things have been and behind the scenes we do have a ton already moving forward to help make up for our previous months for new content. July will be a very busy month for us after episode 4 is in your hands to play, but we're looking at one of our biggest updates yet as the next update is shaping up to offer episode 5, along with tons of new variants and other content added to the base 1-5 episode common route. With route episodes making their way into the mix as the major focus of the rest of this year.



You may as well just make it the Episode 4 + 5 MEGA update...lol


So what I'm hearing is we won't get episode 4 until August. Got it