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For those who have missed it and wondering about the latest news on releases, please check this post below.

In the mean time, our cg artist has been working a bit ahead of schedule to ensure that we can have a smooth Summer of releases here for content for June/July, with July having a lot of content in store.

We'll end up seeing more previews of episode 5 related art at the end of this month and early into next month, but for now in the art field of the project. We decided to have our cg artist tackle the quality of life related stuff we had planned for upcoming in July. (More details in the news post)

What is this quality of life update?

It'll come out very quickly after episode 5 releases in early July and the main idea is that it'll focus on episode 1-5 content. Some minor writing fixes to the script in areas will be touched up for grammar mistakes and some light additional text in relation to the following. New choices added, background oc characters added, new variants for cg art added.

The main point of this mini update is to have episode 1-5 in it's near final state for how it'd look when the game is fully finished and polished. I know how that sounds and trust me, we're not doing heavy adjustments and wasting time here with this, it'll just act as some light content and a fitting moment to wrap up the common route of the game before the end of July offers our first insight into character routes.

So what are these new variants?

I'll list them in order as seen in the gallery of this post and then explain further.

~Episode 1~

The tickle fight is receiving 4 adjustments to it's art. We now have the starting phase of the girl's diapers becoming wet. The expressions are new to better match the dialogue towards the end of the event.

~Episode 2~

Nova's locker room is receiving a new variant for how the event ends. Nova's arms are now posed in a more fitting manner to express how one might naturally react.

Rachel's class is receiving a few new variants. Probably one of the most changes, as it brings new expressions seen, diaper progress changes and use of the perspective bubble, etc. Should be very fitting to the event.

~Episode 3~

Erika's wedgie is receiving a good amount of new variants. I'd say about similar to Rachel's stuff. There's new expressions, diaper progress changes mainly. The messy accident option includes these as well.

Nurse's office is receiving a new variant to wrap the event up. New expression and visuals.

~Episode 4~

The adjustments made for these were very minor, only showing the starting progress of the diaper accidents begin. So they're not seen in the gallery above.

~Wrap up~

That about wraps up the post here. The reason for these very minor additions made for some earlier cg art was done because with episode 4 art, we felt like we've reached a good point where the quality of the art and variants, visuals, etc. Has reached it's peak in a way, so we wanted to apply some of that magic to the earlier episodes to help make the experience of the game that much more solid for newcomers and existing fans/supporters.

It was pretty tough to decide which old cg scenes needed a boost. If interested, below is a write up of why we didn't add to other scenes not mentioned.
~Episode 1~

The rest of episode 1 moments didn't really feel as if there was much else needed. For example when Erika flashes her diaper, it's pretty brief and the dialogue doesn't last for long. I was considering a variant for expression change to make her look a bit confused or worried why you're staring for too long, but it felt better to have it return to the sprites instead.

Miki tripping later on was going to receive another expression, but when looking at the context. It didn't seem like it was really needed. The werewolf scene was pretty simple enough to wrap the episode up and give a bit of a cliff hanger feeling, didn't seem like it needed anything else.

~Episode 2~

There was a good bit of chances for new stuff in this episode and so I'm glad we'll have that all good looking. The only scene that didn't receive new stuff was Nova's kickboxing and the best that could've been done would've been adding some minor visual stuff to it, but it didn't seem needed.

~Episode 3~

This was a tough one to tackle, but I think the choices made for new additions here was pretty good and fair enough. I was hoping to do a little something extra for Juliet for the fans, but it just didn't seem like it'd fit within the moment and there wasn't much room for anything additional for Zoey either.

~Future episodes~

We hope to continue the trend that has been previewed with how episode 4 & 5 art looks, where we get away with offering plenty of variants that fit within the story events. I would like to go into more detail for some unseen events for episode 5, but I'll wait until later this month after we give a little bit of time for everyone to enjoy episode 4 once it's finally out and July will fully return to the normal monthly stuff to expect.
Artist Credits: MarxeDP
