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Edit: 6/16/21 (Had to update this post. I'd rather do this now instead of later when it'll just cause more issues.)

I might've jumped the gun with the mention for the 20th, as there's still other steps in the process before release is possible. I know how that might look, but it's part of our regular release process.

We have different people tackling many aspects of the game and steps before a release is possible, so there's always other factors I have to keep in mind or consider, so I hope everyone understands still.
Since this is the big thing right now that everyone is concerned about and for good reason. I want to say that I, myself am not very happy with myself for how delayed this release has been. I hope to prove to everyone this Summer with the roadmap of content coming, that it'll help make up for some of the delayed time.

My biggest goal is that by the end of this year with the rough roadmap of content planned, that it'll amount for the lost time earlier this year from the delay. Of course right now it'll be all about a wait and see mindset I assume, which is completely understandable! The idea is that by the end of Summer, it'll give some ease of mind to many of you and into Fall.

Anyways, with that said! I know the goal posts have been pushed back time after time, so take this upcoming mention with some concern still.

Episode 4 will be coming out by June 26th.

There is a slim chance the release could still come earlier than the mentioned date above, but June 26th would probably be the safest, 150% confirmed date. If I get any word before then that it's ready, it'll release asap.

Thank you once again for everyone for being understanding during this awkward period in our development. Things do happen like this, but I think it's important to never let these moments get the best of us and just move forward and push ourselves harder because of them.

[Check below for a behind the scenes look at our schedule based on these adjustments.]

June 21st-25th ~ Episode 5 writing continues.
June 26th ~ Episode 4 is released!
June 28th-July 2nd ~ Episode 5 writing continues.
July 3rd ~ Episode 5 is sent off for editing/engine work.
July 5th-9th ~ Quality of Life focused content.
July 10th ~ Episode 5 is released! + Quality of Life stuff sent for edit/engine work.
July 12th-16th ~ Route episode writing begins.
July 17th ~ Quality of Life update released!
July 19th-23rd ~ Route episode writing continues.
July 24th ~ Route episodes sent off for editing/engine work.
July 26th-30th ~ Writing begins for next route episodes.
July 31st ~ X & Y Route episodes are released!

August will return back to our once a month schedule for releases as we're on track again. August would be looking to release 3-4 route episodes by the 28th.



I understand why you're working really hard to get this episode out as soon as possible but please don't work yourself into an early grave.


It's fine! Lol :P It's just about ready, plus I know it's been a long wait coming. It'll be a relief to get it out. ^^