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The time has come! The final results of the community cg scene voting poll are here in it's full glory! ^^

Just in case you don't know what this is all about, during May we did a on-going series of voting polls for the month as a fun thing for the community to be apart of. Plus we're working with an awkward release schedule and waiting for new content to release, so it felt like a good time to give a little back and something we hope to do more in the future to have everyone feel a bit more involved at times when it's fitting. ^^

We hope you all enjoy these previews! They are in order of how they should play out from default variant into wet outcome or messy outcomes. Don't worry, there is some variants missing that we didn't have ready when starting these. So for example leaking diapers from wetting is something missing that will be added in time, same for variants that have both wet and messy diapers, etc.

We'll see these in the game sometime in the future, just a minor spoiler. If you are interested in knowing where to find these in the game when the time comes. It'll be seen in Juliet and Nova's route episodes. :P

Artist Credits: MarxeDP




Loving the work thus far. Great scenes ... Keep it up. Hats off to you and your cg artist.


Thanks! ^^ The cg artist has been surprising us with each passing art being made more and more. It was pretty fun to see what the community voted on and seeing it transfer over into the visuals.


Great work, loving it