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Okay, so I'm sure many of you are on the edge of your seats wondering about when things are going to release and what not. I know if you look back at everything said over the past month or so related to episode 4 releasing, it's starting to sound like a never ending joke... Lol..

Well, I have some news for this month that hopefully excites everyone to the fullest! I won't try to excuse the delay for episode 4 any further, but it is coming out here early June. Ideally this won't be as bad as that sounds... Ideally, we'll be seeing it release by next week before next weekend comes around at the latest! No later than that!

Until then, I know it'll feel just like any other previous week with our mentions on release. But please do what feels right to you, keep calm and wait a tiny bit or what not. Once we get it out, we'll have things move along pretty quickly as we've been preparing ahead of schedule behind the scenes towards ep 5.

So let me lay out our schedule for June & July!

June 7th-11th ~ v0.18 (public) v0.19 (supporter) released!
June 30th ~ v0.19 (public) v0.20 (supporter) released!
July 16th ~ v0.20 (public) v0.21 (supporter) released!
July 30th ~ v0.21 (public) v0.22 (supporter) released!

[v0.18 = Miki's Dream: Side Story]
[v0.19 = Episode 4]
[v0.20 = Episode 5]
[v0.21 = Quality of Life update]
[v0.22 = Nova & Miki episode 6 (Route)]

This Summer is going to be a pretty good mix of content coming to MA, June will mainly wrap up the common route of the game. Which just in case you aren't aware what that means... Pretty much, by the end of ep 5. You'll have a good enough idea of the cast of characters to pursue to make a choice for which girl to focus on for the rest of the game.

So if you choose Miki, you'll be locked into Miki's route and those episodes will focus around her and some characters that pop up once in a while. For her, this would include Erika, Charlotte as two just to mention. Of course during the route episodes, things will progress deeper into relationships too as expected.

Then as we wrap up the common route of the game after June, we'll kick off July with a quality of life update. This will mainly focus on improvements to ep 1-5 lightly. (Not rewriting or anything major.) New choices added, some grammar fixes, oc background characters added and some minor new variants for existing cg art, etc. It'll also be a good time for many to maybe try playing the game from the start again if you wish to get a good refresher of events, but isn't required.

Ending July, we'll jump start the route episodes of the game starting and given our time left in the month after the quality of life update. We're expecting only to tackle 2 character's episode 6 routes, but the rough idea for each month moving forward would be 3 character's route episodes in releases.

What if I only care about Rachel and Lola route episodes? Are you telling me I have to wait a long time to play that content?

It's going to be tricky because we'll only be able to roughly get 3 character's episodes done per month after July.

Here's a example, but isn't to be taken seriously. Let's say we managed to release 3 character episodes in July after all.




You can see just how far apart content is going to look in this layout. Of course if you are by chance a fan of only Rachel and Lola, you have no interest or care about the other characters... <.< Well... It's going to be a loooong wait for new content you care about.

I'd like to think everyone has interest even in other characters they don't care about too much, but ideally as we move closer to July. We'll be doing a voting poll to get a good idea of how we should split up the cast each month for their episodes, something that will ensure that each update that releases still offers a good bit for everyone on content.

Ideally if Nova, Juliet and Heather are the most popular characters it might make sense to put them all into the same update. It just depends on how things look, because the last thing we want to do is have one really really good update release every 3 months while the other two updates focused on the rest of the case is considered "Okay, meh, eh".

If the three above were the most popular, what we might do is split it so July has Nova, August is Juliet and September is Heather. Maybe we'll split the side girls Lola, Bridget and Zoey up, so that Lola is in July with Nova, Bridget in August, Zoey in September. Then the other three remaining are split equally so that roughly each update offers a good mix of content for everyone to be happy.

Okay, that sounds fine I guess. Is there anything else coming to the game soon? Female protag option maybe?

My lips are sealed. :P But kidding aside, I really can't say much when it comes to a female protag option right now. I will say it's floating around in my head and still gathering ideas on the concept of it, but I don't want to really hype anyone up with false promises until I have a better hold on things. Just know that the concept is in mind, just trying to be careful with the project over all right now.

That aside, I do have plans to have the gui overhauled for the game with a more polished and finished product look that fits better to the theme of the game. I'm still waiting to hear from the artist and will probably check up with them here this month to see how things are looking or if I'll have to do some more looking around. Ideally depending on how long it takes and when the gui process begins for the assets... I'm thinking we'll see this gui stuff added to the game by early Fall as a safe bet.

I have some plans for cg art during the quality of life update, mainly adding variants to existing art. There's plans sometime in the near future to add a toggle on/off menu option to display diaper discoloring or hide it, whichever appeals more to you, but that will probably be added with the gui overhaul.

I've reached out to our bg artist that did all the bg art for the game aside from Miki's Dream. I have to hear back from them still, but I'm looking to get them to work on some new bg art again after being away for about a year now. Mainly right now there's only a need for around 4-5 bg art pieces, some targeted for Miki's Dream as a lower priority but to help fix the visual issues of locations a tiny bit better.


Once again, I know we're off to a bumpy and crazy first half of 2021 with our project updates. But I hope that by the end of this year, we'll be able to make up for how things looked earlier this year.

I know we're behind on releasing episode 4, but please keep calm for just a tiny bit longer. Behind the scenes, we're making use of most of our free time to get things moved along quickly and while it won't be noticed right now. We're actually working ahead on episode 5 in many aspects so we're not wasting much time right now between updates, etc.

Anyways! That about wraps up this news post for the month! Once things release here soon, we'll have another news post shortly after the release that details more about what everyone should expect with episode 5 content details.



Fair enough mate life's rough... But at least you seem to bee making it up with a duo submission in jul. so I doubt ppl will be to mad just how games be. =)


I shall idly bind my time and wait, very excited to see what's coming head.


Also I know I don't speak for everyone, I do have my favorite girls but I am definitely going to enjoy the content for all the other characters as well


Hopefully so! At the very least, June will mark the end of the common route episodes before kicking into girl route episodes. I'm hoping that'll be exciting enough. ^^


Thank you! ^^ These last two episodes of the common route should be very fun and fitting to how it all leads towards routes starting.


Glad to hear it! ^^ I know some moments for certain characters might not appeal to everyone at times too, but for the most part. Each route should feel unique and fun in their rightful ways. :P