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As promised last month to make up for the delay we're experiencing with Episode 4's release (v0.19). We wanted to not only try to do something that'd be a bonus for being a supporter in May, but something that's fun and makes you all feel involved with the project a bit more when we're able to do stuff like this. :P

So what's this bonus thing?

During May, we'll be releasing "Community CG scene!" voting polls that focus on a certain aspect each week until we have pieced together the details to create the cg scene. So below is our rough timeline of these voting polls.

May 3rd-7th ~ Picking 2 characters for the cg scene. (During this time we'll be taking drop box suggestions for cg scenario ideas to be used in voting.)

May 10th-14th ~ Picking the cg scenario idea from your suggestions.

May 17th-21st ~ Picking what outfits the characters are wearing.

May 24th-28th ~ Picking out variant options, some that aren't normally seen in MA.

May 30th ~ We'll begin creating the cg scene and share the progress into June. Our goal will be to find a fitting spot in MA where this cg scene can be displayed and work with the story no matter how crazy things get. There is a slim chance we won't be able to fully display all variants within MA, but we'll try our best.

Sounds fun! Where do I begin?

Right below! ^^ Just vote on which characters you wish to see and remember, you can always change your votes by clicking on the option again to uncheck them! So if for example Heather is winning with 30 votes and you voted for her and Miki, along with a few others but Miki is at 29 votes. You have the option to take your vote away for Heather to drop her down to 29 votes and give a better chance for Miki to win! :P

Once the date/time for this poll ends, you of course won't be able to change your votes! So be sure to check back on this poll through the week and see how the poll is doing. You never know if your vote against or for a certain character could be the difference in making them a reality!

(You can vote as many times possible, meaning if you want to vote for all the characters then go for it. If you just want to do one vote, you can do that too.)

~ Important! ~

Use this link above for anonymous suggestions for the cg scenario ideas. You are free to openly comment your suggestion on this voting poll too, I just wanted to offer a very simple option for those who wish to stay 100% private. (You simply toss a random name in and leave your comment/suggestion, simple as that! :P )

Discord users can leave their suggestion in #questions-feedback-suggestions channel. If you wish to stay private on discord with your suggestion idea, you may private message "Princess Bridget" from the discord server. (That'd be me :P ) I will not share names of said suggestion ideas. 100% private.

These suggestions will move onto our voting poll during May 10th-14th, so be sure to offer your suggestion idea right away to not miss out! ^^ (Otherwise we'll come up with random ideas among the team, but we'd much rather these ideas come directly from the community and be a big part of this.)



I messed up and didn't set a end date.. Lol :P (This poll officially will end exactly on May 7th at 9:20pm CST timezone.) The moment that time ticks, I'll refresh the post/page and tally those results as a screencap.


nova best girl confirmed!