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This will be a very brief post (Promise!).

Mainly I wanted to give a fair 24 hours heads up warning for supporters and fans before our monthly Patreon recurring billing on May 1st kicks in. Just in case anyone wishes to hold off on support for May until we end up releasing the expected game versions, if it matters.

Either way, we understand and I'd just like to mention that once again, I'm sorry with how delayed these releases to be expected have turned out. The big kicker was a lot of behind the scenes tax situation mess to deal with during March/April, on top of being our first tax filing year for the project to figure out how things work with that.

With this all said, I called my tax place this past Monday and made sure everything needed was updated, sent to them and the lady over the phone made it sound as if she'll get everything moving along this week or at the latest, early next week before our taxes are done. (Plus I'd expect regardless, they need to have those done by next week since the deadline is very, very close.)

Anyways... The main thing to mention is that with the above details and where I'm sitting on the script for episode 4 (v0.19). I can say with certainty, that we're realistically looking at the latest a May 7th release for v0.18 (for public) and v0.19 (for supporters).

From there we're hoping to prove in our actions to back up our claims to release v0.20 within 30 days after the release of v0.19.

As our bonus for supporting us in May and for the lack of a release in April, we are going to be hosting a series of voting polls through out the month. These will let you all as a community piece together a very special cg scene based on what you all wish to see! One poll might focus on which characters are seen, while another will focus on figuring out the scene scenario, etc. (We'll be accepting suggestions on scene ideas and brainstorming in the discord or just working with comments to help make sure everyone feels like they're part of making this cg scene. ^^ )

As promised, I'll keep this post brief and end things here. I just wanted to give a proper heads up for everyone about our release and ensure we don't upset anyone with any false promises or trick anyone leading into May or holding out for hope on April 30th that something might show up last minute before recurring billing, etc. Once again thank you all for your amazing support and we hope to prove ourselves greatly in May. (We love a good challenge. :P )



Thank you for being so transparent and forthright, really makes me feel good about this vn.


Of course! ^^ I do wish the release details were a bit better, but it's only right to be forward and honest ahead of time. <3