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(Warning! This post may contain major spoilers for the story! Read further at your own risk.)

This is the final part of Episode 4. If you haven't read the other parts, you can find them below!

Episode 4: The strange life and times at the academy.

Read the previous parts over here if you haven't already.
(Part 1)
(Part 2)
(Part 3)

Continuing where class ends, there's some light events that take place that I don't want to dig too deeply into. Brandon ends up finding himself in a situation that causes some concern for him, as his sister calls him up and urgently mentions for him to come quick to the courtyard.

He doesn't get the chance to ask about why and with his worry kicking in, he decides to rush off to the courtyard. He finds before him a very interesting and epic battle taking place between Miki and some other girl. Magical energy and attack beams being fired at each other, the school building crumbling in it's wake! Things are completely dramatic and over the top!

But after a brief bit of delusional wave over Brandon's mind, he stands by his sister as the two begin breaking down the reality of these two fighting each other as two people goofing off and playing pretend. There isn't any harm done to the school building, they aren't actually firing off magical beams at each other, but instead they're just playing around in a very realistic awkward manner.

Once things settle down for a bit and the urgent feeling has faded, Brandon is introduced to this new girl he hasn't met before, who turns out to be Bridget. With seeing her closer and under the light better, he can make out that she's the famous streamer "Bridgeybear" that he used to watch often for a couple of years.

It isn't sure yet if Bridget is friends with Erika or Miki, but Erika mentions that Bridget once in a while has stopped by the literature club in order to get away when things get too busy at the gaming club and it's here where Brandon learns that she's part of that club, which makes sense to him given her streaming stuff focused on gaming.

We continue to see a light introduction to Bridget take place and get a rough idea of who she is before she heads off for the night and Miki claims victory in their battle, but Bridget argues they haven't even started, etc.

Brandon decides to head back with Erika and Miki to spend a little bit of time together before it gets too late, as they walk back and talk about some events that happened in their day. There's some mentions of Bridget and learning a little bit more that apparently she's a bit strange than how she comes off from her streaming persona/act that she puts on.

Bridget likes to pretend she's in her own special world most of the time, where she believes she has magical powers and this of course gets a reaction out of Miki who tries to compare herself to it, but before it becomes a crazy talking point between them, they get back to Erika's dorm and they decide to drop the conversation and focus on doing something fun instead.

Which then brings Episode 4 to a close...

~Writer notes~

-I think this event might end up being unexpected, as this is meant to be Bridget's light intro to her character. Which compared to way back before v0.15, her original intro was much different, but I wanted to keep some similar aspects like having Erika help introduce Bridget to Brandon, along with getting a feel for her gaming stuff and also showing off her personality a bit better.

My only worry is that some fans of Bridget from before, might feel a bit indifferent about how she comes off now, but I'd like to mention that what we see here in ep 4 is a very light intro to her and without spoiling anything major ahead. We'll be seeing more of her very soon to give off a better impression of her on her own.

-With Bridget's writing, it took quite a bit of research on how exactly I wanted to re-introduce her as a character from long ago. I didn't want her feeling too similar to Miki or Zoey, as I've heard before some people thought those two were too similar long ago. I think the thing to keep in mind for Bridget, is that visually her looks are a bit deceiving and it helps play off of her personality, where students instantly believe she's this super adorable girl and she is, but she isn't in your face about it...

I guess it's hard to explain, but I'm sure before the route selection kicks in. You will all have a better idea of what I mean exactly first hand. :P

-I believe the writing for this ended up just around 3000 or so word count. Should be a nice event for fans of Erika, Miki and soon to be fans of Bridget?

-One fun fact is that we'll be seeing Bridget in her "Bridgeybear" outfit as she calls it, which is something she commonly wears when she isn't forced to wear her uniform on days with classes active, otherwise she seems to quickly change out of her uniform after classes.

-Without getting ahead of ourselves, there's still some loose ends and stuff to be seen in episode 5 for many characters. Some will naturally get more screen time that makes sense, while others might not get as much. The main point will be that if you go through ep 1-5, you'll feel as if you have a decent idea of these characters from the cast to pick from to explore more deeply with into their routes.

Some characters might naturally be seen more or less, like Erika being around a bit more makes sense, but Rachel isn't seen too much given the context of events with her. Etc. We'll probably do a poll to see a rough idea if there were very weak ties to certain characters during ep 1-5 and maybe in a future, future, fuuutuureee update we'll explore adding a few minor events onto ep 1-5 that help boost some weaker link characters.

-Sorry Juliet fans! Seems we don't end up seeing her around during ep 4. >.< Which means... Something, something... Hmm...


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