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So back in January, we planned this out ahead of time so that unlike the Xmas wallpaper. We'd have this one ready long before Valentines Day came along! ^^

We did a poll to figure out who'd be the lucky girl featured for this one and it was on the edge of your seat close between Juliet vs Heather! But in the end, Juliet took the spot and so with that. We worked out the detail to feel sort of similar to the Xmas one with Nova, trying to keep it simple and desktop wise in mind for those brave enough to use them! :P

We had the request for higher aspect than 1920x1080 since our Xmas wallpaper, so that can be found here to download as well! ^^ When opening the images seen here to download, check the sizes and make sure you got the right one you wanted. (If there is other sizes to request for future wallpapers, please let us know!)

Artist Credit: MarxeDP



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