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It's finally time! Allie seems to be fully finished and so I'll go over some stuff briefly.

First off, unlike Bridget. Allie's personality remains untouched, so fans of her shouldn't have to worry about her suddenly acting any different. What you see of her in ep 2, gives the right impression with her being a bit of a slack off, jokester of the group.

Her underwear design stuff came to be, as I figured Allie is sort of within being a tomboy much like Nova and Allie to their own degrees. I thought her taste would be kind of simple, not too girly or what not.

Her swimsuit has been changed as well, so that it fits a bit more in line with Nova and Rosa's.

We decided to stick with her red eyes, as it's what many of you felt looked fitting for her and we know her original purple colored eyes were a close second. But sadly one would end up being the clear winner. <.<

We'll mainly see Allie with her curly twin tails for most of the game, but there could be fitting times when we'll see her hair let loose.

This wraps up our final redesign for characters! ^^ (You can all rest easy now, no need to worry if your favorite character is changing any further.)

Moving forward, we're aware there's at least 4 background character requests on our list to tackle. We'll start seeing these pop up by January and moving into 2021, we'll have sprite art focused on the oc requests.

Currently we have 4 background character requests to be tackled early within 2021. Then we'll move onto a mix of side/support and main character requests that was part of our kickstarter rewards. (about 5 side/support & 2 main characters)

Please do keep in mind, we'll get to your request and that we have a list in order of who has been waiting the longest to least longest. We fully expect to have all of these done in 2021 of course and even if you don't see your character in the game right away after we finish, don't be alarmed! We're making sure we add them into fitting areas of the game and sometimes that requires us to look back over what we have for existing content after it's been released already.

For example, episode 1 could possibly easily have a background character show up briefly within the hallways while Brandon and Erika are going around. We'll balance characters so they get their rightful screen time.




love how the diapers stuffed her her spats badly!


:P Glad they look good! It'll be fun to see her pop up in the ep 2 stuff and future areas. (Will most likely add her new sprite in with update 0.18 set for Feb 3rd.)