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It's been a little bit and we'll have a news post #2 later today for supporters to go over how things are going for update 0.17 (targeted for Dec 5th). Hope everyone is doing well!

So I asked many of you how we should proceed into 2021, in case you're not aware. The messy studios team is planning on taking a break during December once we release update 0.17, we'll be right back into action with our normal monthly updates when we resume in January.

The issue is that we had 3 options that made sense to ask what fans would prefer the most from us. Since we'd be on break in December, we wouldn't have update 0.18 (ep 4) ready for January since we work neck to neck on the game updates. Aka for example, right now for November we're working on update 0.17 to be ready for Dec 5th.

So normally we'd move into December and begin work on update 0.18 for Jan 4th, but our break is to help allow our team a good amount of time to take it easy during the busy holiday season, even with however covid might be affecting select areas around the world differently.

To sum it up, we asked what we could do to maybe offer a little bit of content for January, either a short side story involving Miki that'd be about 3000-4000 word count long or just try to have about half of ep 4 ready for Jan 4th. (Miki thing will happen in the future regardless, don't worry :P )

But it would seem like many of you are on board with us just delaying update 0.18 (ep 4) to release it in full for February 3rd instead.

(You can check out the poll here and we'll keep checking, but it seems the data leans heavy towards the above option with a delay.)


So just to be clear, January won't offer a new game update for the month and I know many of you choose to support us more for that, over anything else we offer. But January will still have plenty of art previews, news and poll stuff taking place.

Now what about during our break in December? Well, we'll be on break from MA work. But I've talked with our cg artist and they've decided they'll be working from now until Dec 20th before taking a mini week or two vacation. So expect to still see cg art coming along, most will spoilers for ep 4 or ep 5 even. (we'll label them as spoilers)

During December, we'll still put out new posts about general news, some fun polls and see some art previews.

We'd like to thank everyone for supporting us and we're very thankful that many of you seem to be on board with allowing us to take a break for December, allowing us to head into the new year strongly and get right back on track with our normal monthly release pattern. <3

Just briefly, 2021 will be a big year for us. While 2020 was still trying to get a lot of basics out of the way from covering GUI assets to background art, music and this month will see for the most part the sprite related art done. (aside from oc character requests! We haven't forgotten you all!)

We finally have a good pacing of cg art coming along now and I made the swap from tackling both writing & engine work to having Uncle Artie pick up the engine work for us. While we also made the transfer to Ren'py, I know it seems like a lot of craziness to be doing.

2021 will be more about MA heading for the finish line in terms of stable content. The main key players will be the writing moving along, engine work moving along and cg art moving along month to month. We do have some small commission aspects to include, like some new gui pieces that work for Ren'py. Chibi art for our splash screens and we'll see mobile support soon enough.

But for the most part we're moving more towards a small list of things to tackle each month, by small it's more like less tasks on my list to manage rather lol.

Either way, I wanted to put this post out to address our poll about heading into 2021 and thank everyone for being understanding. For those who will support us even in January, we'll do our best to make sure we don't disappoint! For those choosing to skip on supporting us for January, we hope to see you return in February and hope the slight delay from update 0.17 to 0.18 will be well worth the delay from our break. <3


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