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(Warning! This post may contain major spoilers for the story! Read further at your own risk.)

This is only 1/4th of the total episode! The rest will be covered over the rest of this month. ^^

Episode 3: Awakening.

We begin episode 3 sometime after where episode 2 ends, it's unsure how much time has passed but  it would suggest it isn't exactly the next day after what took place before.

Brandon is sitting in his room with Nathan and Joey while they're in the middle of discussing further details about the academy, their concerns and possible leads to figure out more about the academy as something feels off about the place aside from just diapers.

They go through their notes together covering things like the diaper storage area, thinking they might have other things hidden there to help them in their piecing together of whats going on here. They assume that the nurse would be the most likely person to have a key to said area and agree that the boys will all slowly work together on this lead first, as they all have to visit her regardless.

They move along onto topics of how they can't quite try hacking their phones or the firewall without going unnoticed, leaving that for a later time as it's too risky right now. Which also brings to question for when the school hosts family visit periods and special events, how could they monitor and make sure people physically don't leak out information of whats going on here.

Joey mentions that there's the memory wiping drink that John brought up and that maybe it could be easily used to also wipe select memories beside making a girl forget about their boyfriend.

They agree to work together and gather some more details through the day, moving forward that'll help them in this mystery. With the two boys heading out on their way, Brandon figures with a bit of time before classes. He decides to head out and while locking his door, someone grabs his waist from behind.

This startles him and he soon finds his sister falling into a laughing fit from his reaction, which he doesn't find very amusing. During a little back and forth, he wonders how long before his annoying sister will begin farting around him again like when they were kids and it stirs a reaction out of her.

After a bit of awkward back and forth, as things die down. She brings up why she stopped by, which seems to be that she wanted to know if he'd tag along with her.

She's been tasked with picking up some papers from the student council room for her club. Which confuses Brandon, why she can't just do it on her own or why Miki can't go with her instead, etc.

She doesn't seem to wish going into much detail, but brings up that the student council president is known around the academy as a bit of a tyrant. Along with mentioning that Miki is currently busy because the school messed her schedule up for today, but even if that wasn't the case. She'd be too fearful of said tyrant anyways.

After a bit of begging, Brandon decides to help his sister out...

~Writer notes~

-I wouldn't really call this the first 1/4th of the episode, as this episode is laid out a bit differently. I'd split this episode up closer to 3 big areas and I didn't quite cover whats about to come next. Either way, with what was covered so far. It came out to about 2500 word count more or less. 

-This isn't too exciting maybe, as it's very early into ep 3 and trying to move into some mystery behind the academy and leading us towards some other future things to see. With that said, we know this episode in total is at least about 14,000-15,000+ word count with what is to be expected ahead and what is expected ahead in our next behind the scenes will be a good one. :P

-I could be wrong, but I think the mystery element fell way way to the side before and I don't want to hype anyone up with a very complex or deep mystery with MA. But it'll show itself much more than before, with this episode being a good example of having focus on it without feeling like it's super serious either.

-Writing the start wasn't too hard, but the area when Erika pops up I'll admit was a bit of a pain for some reason with how things transition from the previous scene into that one. Plus the subject matter of how things begin and then need to move back into the reason why she decided to startle her brother in the first place.

-I think many fans who have played either update 0.14 through or are longer time fans will see what might be coming up very soon in ep 3. I don't want to fully spoil it for newer fans, but it'll be a pretty different toned moment than what we've seen before with other characters who pop up. I think if you enjoy the student council, you'll like what is to come.


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