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[Update 0.14 will release exactly at midnight (cst) Sept 4th. Below are the patch notes for adjustments made, new content, known issues and planned content for the future.  

~Update 0.14 content~


-Day 18 sec 2: We made changes to how Joey and Erika are seen during the moment when Joey crawls under the table. Should give a more clear idea what we intended for this to display, as some people were getting the wrong impression from it before. New dialogue!

-Day 5 sec 3: We made a new option, before John tries to deliver punishment with a girl. Players now have the choice to stand up and try stopping the punishment from happening, skipping it altogether. This change was for those who really dislike being forced to have any punishment happen, so hopefully this will be fitting. New dialogue!

-New jump options: We added new jump options for the side girl routes and the adjustments above.

~New content~

-Route part 1 has been added (For Bridget, Lola and Zoey.)
-Additional skip buttons added.
-New CG art (day 17 idol event.)

(OC background sprites: We have two characters to add into the game, but sadly given some adjusting we'll be doing soon to older content. We're going to hold off on adding them in with update 0.14. We'll be keeping an eye out for fitting moments where we can really make some good use of these oc characters, as we adjust older content. Sorry about this, we ensure you the wait shall be worth it!)

(Music: This is going to be added into update 0.15, given how we're handling the music being added. It's best to have everything for tracks ready before we begin this process, plus we're not allowed to use tracks we haven't paid for. By the time update 0.15 releases, we'll have the tracks all paid off, making it ideal timing.)

(CG art: Update 0.15 will be light on cg art, but we're currently trying to work out some things behind the scenes with this. The short summary is our cg artist had major delay issues with the day 17 idol cg scene, so we're trying to test if they're turnaround time on finishing scenes are going to be better and work overall for the project or not. We have some ideas in mind, possibly bringing in another artist if we need to. But we're trying to be careful on this, as we don't wish to rush or waste funding on this to find out things will run into future issues. Thank you for understanding, Our goal is for Update 0.16 to fully unleash 4+ cg scenes per update.)

~Known or possible issues being looked into~ (feedback very helpful! <3)

-Nothing that I am aware of. If you think you found a visual bug or have a major game breaking issue, etc. Please let me know using our email:  Messyacademy@hotmail.com or on the server's discord, patreon messages, etc.  

~Things being considered/planned additional content~

-Adjusting older content. (days 1-19+) This is mainly to bring the writing quality up to speed when compared to our ideal writing seen in the route parts. But this will also include some expanding on stuff, so think of it as fixing old content while adding new content to keep it fresh. (Jump buttons will be used as we do this, to let players get straight to newly adjusted content.) This will be a ongoing effort, but added with this we'll add in features like the player accidents minigame dialogue/areas with placeholder choices where the minigame would pop up for it in the future. Classroom and main academy storyline will receive more focus added to older areas to help keep up the academy storyline taking place.

-Loading screens. (Visual art added for moments between major scenes to load.)

-CG gallery gui added & ost gallery added. (Most likely in update 0.16)

End of changes.


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