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(Warning! This post may contain major spoilers for the story! Read further at your own risk.)

With how day 19 ends, there's a time skip of 6 weeks. This is seen with all routes, but handled a bit different for them as well.

For Rachel, things have been fairly okay for their relationship. While they haven't been doing heavy sexual acts with each other, they at least were progressing on that front, mainly thanks to Rachel's petplay side coming into action.

The one issue that is bothering Rachel isn't with her relationship, but rather her lack of confidence and issues forming with her club in the past few weeks, as she's finding Juliet more busy with her own affairs. Which sadly is how Rachel was getting by without much trouble before, letting her handle most of the club affairs instead.

Rachel's part 1 will dive into her lack of confidence with running her club, how she is sociably and being able to progress from it.

There is a brief intertwining moment between her part 1 and Erika's part 1, but it's not fully required to enjoy Rachel's route or vice versa. Those playing either Erika or Rachel's routes will notice it and should enjoy the detail added from it.

~Writer notes~

-This route came out to be roughly 5300-5600 word count. So about on the level of Erika's part.

-For fans or those not quite sure about Rachel, I think her part 1 should still be interesting to check out. There's a interesting side of Rachel we haven't seen fully until now concerning her petplay, so some might enjoy her purely because of that.

-We actually get to meet who's all part of the Animal and Cooking Lover's club, we know Rosa joined the club to fill up one of the last spots. But there's two new girls (new in the sense we haven't seen them around during the festival, etc.) but they should be interesting enough to make the club activities and interactions fresh, let alone seeing Rosa outside her normal zone of kickboxing activities.

-I will admit Rachel's part 1 does have a slower start, but she's got a interesting storyline to be seen. So I do hope to see more people starting to enjoy her as a character because of this.


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