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In case you haven't seen our last news post back on July 17th. Click here !

With update 0.13 being released in about 5 days from now, on July 30th. I wanted to do a very, very brief overview of more recent mentions and information.

This will be a very short news post, as it's only confirming what is going to be included in update 0.13 (other details like kickstarter and so on are more or less the same, as the link above mentions in that post.)

~Update 0.13 content expected~

-Main girl's route's part 1 (Heather, Juliet, Miki, Nova, Rachel and Erika.)
-Last 3 bg art added. (restroom, library and cafeteria.)
-New sprite outfits added. (Zoey's sexy bunny outfit, Lola's mech pilot outfit, Bridget's fantasy outfit, Rosa's catgirl maid outfit and a mystery outfit to be seen during Nova's part 1.)
-New music added. (3 new tracks. General day to day theme, sad theme and calm theme.) [warning: much of the placement for where tracks are heard will be a work in progress.]

~Adjustment content~

-Day 18 will receive a brief prelude section before section 1, it acts as a section where Brandon checks up on whichever girl he met with during day 17 to make sure she's okay, guilt he feels, etc. (this replaces the unlock from day 19 during confession with a girl, as it feels more realistic to check in with them the next morning. Rather than waiting two days later to bring it up, etc.)

~Video trailer~

The video trailer for the game should be ready in time to launch with the kickstarter, which is planned to launch for August 1st.

~What didn't make the cut for update 0.13?~

Sadly there is some content that was planned for update 0.13 that was lower priority that we didn't have time to properly get to. This was mainly because of the seer size of route content that is being added this month, which took me longer to write out than normal content. Due to pre-planning for how things will play out for the game in general, how routes will roughly flow from start to finish and making sure things stay consistent.

So what didn't we have time for?

-Days 1-19 diaper accidents. (Moments in existing content where the player feels the urge to use his diaper, leaving it up to players to choose how to proceed. It would affect reactions, outcomes and some stuff going on in scenes a bit differently.)

Sadly it's something I wanted to fit into update 0.13, but I really undershot how busy I'd be with getting the route writing done and how the general game will work moving forward. I know it might sound like an excuse, but between my job outside of the project taking up time and still trying to get as much writing done after work, juggling in a little bit of personal free time. This month really flew by...

The good news is that August as of right now with the plan of focusing on doing the side girl route part 1's and some in-between content. It's looking much more promising to possibly tackle the diaper accident content being added, one proposal is actually to take some time and slowly doing some writing adjustments with earlier content in the game that I feel suffers from being a bit bare boned in writing. (this isn't anything near rewriting or changing the focus of these days, not like how the reboot was during December.)

But if we're looking to fix up some earlier days on the writing side of things, mainly just making the conversations seen flow and pace a bit better than they do now. Along with additional details to help play out the events of what's going on around the player that feels needed to explain, like "is Erika sitting on her bed while chatting with you? If so, why does it suddenly say she sat down on the ground a little later? I thought she was on the bed?!" As a random example, but trying to really focus on keeping in mind actions of characters, what's taking place during the scene.

Don't confuse that for millions of text boxes of monologue... <.< I'm not looking to make the game feel like some vn's where it's a small dialogue line like. "Hey! What's up?" followed by 8-9 monologue text boxes explaining the protag's thoughts and what's going on before the other character even has a chance to speak, etc.

Anyways! With this in mind for some writing adjustments to earlier content. I'll also keep in mind a few things.

(1) - diaper accidents. Not just player accidents, but also moments that feel fitting either based on affection levels or simply a choice, where think of the event in day 1 with Erika and Miki. You can tickle Erika and she wets herself, meanwhile Miki doesn't. Further along on day 14 Nova has an affection choice unlocked when she falls in a puddle, the player can request that she messes herself as well. (playing off of her humiliation kink) This is stuff I'd keep in mind when adjusting things.

(2) - classroom sections. While there's not a huge focus on trying to play up doing homework or really showing on screen moments of normal school activities in this sort of way. I will be looking to give these a boost a bit to help add more interaction choices and things to give off the feeling that there is still normal school learning going on mixed in.

(3) - general story. While the goal for the game has always been slice of life and more focused on the world/character building going on. There isn't a whole lot mentioned about the academy during days 1-19 that really offer much insight, day 1 gives you a little intro into some stuff on rules and how things work. But aside from that it's more little details dropped throughout or slight mentions brought up for players to make note of. I do wish to put a little bit more focus on the general story events seen during days 1-19, not very heavy. But enough to help keep this idea flowing along from time to time, as things about it do come up more in the second half of the game while route are taking place and content along with that.

With that all said, that about wraps up what to expect for update 0.13 content on July 30th. A brief idea of what our plans are for August regarding writing content to tackle and so on. I do hope everyone will enjoy this update for July. Each part 1 for the routes have had a lot of time and energy go into them equally to ensure each girl has a fulfilling intro into their route's storylines.

We will of course mention our plans more in depth for August content planned at the start of August, but focusing on update 0.13 for July. What's listed is what to expect, as a reminder to those new to our patreon. We send out plenty of reminders when a new update has released, so you should be safe and have plenty of time to access downloads for the game, etc. ^^



Any update on CGs? I know you said that the artist was sick, I was just wondering if you had any updates on the situation


I forgot to mention that the new cg scene previewed over a week or so ago. (idol event one) Should be done and included in update 0.13. They are doing better now from what I'm aware of and the plan I have in mind is for the idol event cg scene mentioned to be ready for this upcoming update. Then hopefully head into August with upwards of 2 or 3 new cg scenes. (one would be Heather's punishment on day 5 and the other two would be either events that are supposed to be seen on day 17 after the idol stuff or we might get some route ones going since those should be pretty unique for each route.) I'll most likely have a poll early in August asking about which route part 1's everyone enjoyed the most and if there's select ones that has the most interest in seeing some of their cg scenes for. ^^