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For anyone new, these pre-release posts highlight what content or changes will be coming to the next update. ^^

update 0.10 content


-God mode has been fixed. Variable related unlocks will now be unlocked, just like how affection related unlocked should already work.

-Older sections have received some minor changes for effects, expression fixes, etc.

-Stat menu should be working again without the stat menu screen showing up between the game's backgrounds during transitions. There is a minor issue upon clicking "back" on the stat menu screen, where it will briefly flash a black screen, along with the actual game's background for a split second. It seems to only happen on the first time until you reload the game again, this is being looked into and will be adjusted further.

-The game is receiving a slimming down on expressions and how they are handled, part of this can be seen with the new sprites added with how they're handled. All days will have sprites adjusted similarly, Days 13, 14 & 15 are making do with some expressions that might not fully fit the scene exactly, but they will be adjusted by update 0.11.
-New content- 

-Day 13 has been added.
-Day 14 has been added.
-Day 15 has been added.
-Natalie ($25 supporter character) has been added. (Day 15:sec 2)
-Joey's sprite has been added. (Day 1:sec 1)(Day 6:sec 3)(Day 8:sec 1)(Day 8:sec 3)(Day 10:sec 2)(Day 11:sec 1)(Day 13:sec 2)
-Nathan's sprite has been added. (Day 1:sec 1)(Day 6:sec 3)(Day 7:sec 1)(Day 8:sec 1)(Day 8:sec 3)(Day 10:sec 2)(Day 11:sec 1)(Day 14:sec 1)
-Charlotte's sprite has been added. (Day 6:sec 1)(Day 8:sec 2)(Day 8:sec 3)(Day 9:sec 3)(Day 15:sec 2)
-Allie's sprite has been added. (Day 4:sec 3)(Day 11:sec 1)
-Rosa's sprite has been added. (Day 4:sec 3)(Day 11:sec 1)(Day 14:sec 3)
-New bg art added. (Swimming pool area day, sunset, night) (Gym area day, sunset, night)
-Day 5 sec 3 now has Juliet as a choice instead of Bridget.
-New effect for changes to clothing in a given scene. (only seen with the sprites added in this update so far. Previous ones will receive this in update 0.11)

-Known or possible issues being looked into- (feedback very helpful! <3)

-Game freezing.  There's been a few reports of their game freezing, the most solid lead I  have on this as of right now is that it happens from the following. If  you save the game at a given area? When trying to load that save, it  will load from it. But the screen is frozen and the text might even look  like it's "Hey there how are y" with the rest missing. (don't confuse  "Hey there how are y-" as "-" is a story intended cutoff during  dialogue.) Further update as of update 0.10: This might not be an issue anymore? I haven't heard of any happenings during update 0.09, so it might've been exclusively an issue with update 0.08 with some engine settings messing with things. Will continue to keep an eye on it, this bug/issue will go away from this list by next update if nothing is mentioned.

-Stat menu. There is a minor visual issue that is known, when pressing "back" button in the stat menu screen. It will briefly flash the actual game's background art, followed by a black screen and back to the actual gameplay. This seems to happen only the first time on a new game, this minor known issue will be fixed in a hotfix or in update 0.11.

-Stat menu broken? (not  sure what is causing it, need feedback). At some point in the game during play through, when trying to click on the  stat menu icon it  doesn't do anything. If you have details about this to  share about this bug/issue, please mention it here or feel free to send  me a direct  message about it. (not to confuse anyone, if dialogue in  the chat/text  box isn't finished being written out by the engine while  you try  clicking on the stat menu icon. It won't let you until the  dialogue is  done being written out. Something we could look into  adjusting too, but  please make sure this isn't linked to the above issue  when reporting  it.) Further details as of update 0.10: I have yet to hear any further about this issue since update 0.08, if anyone is still having this issue. Please make note of it as detailed as possible so that we can fix this for good.


-Things being considered/planned content-

-Adjustments to cg placeholder screens. (This is due to some personal visual issues. Mainly instead of seeing a static screen while reading some events, it would be much more nicer to at least see sprites reacting to the given dialogue/text until cg scenes for a given scene are done. Currently targeted for May on the list.)

-New final designs for Erika, Nova, Rachel & Heather sprites. (These are the final designs, with Erika and Nova done currently. Rachel and Heather are expected to hopefully be done before the end of May. In short, these range from minor changes to current sprites to dramatic changes. This is targeted for replacing current sprites with these in May.)

-Expressions adjustment. (This is partly an issue behind the scenes, in short. There's way too many expressions and it falls on myself, as it was meant to make each section very hand crafted and unique. Sadly with all the outfits and take in mind Erika as a example, she has easily over 130 expressions currently. The goal is to create brand new uniquely made expressions for each character that matches them perfectly, they will still stand apart from other characters expressions as well. About 20-25 expressions per character, shared across their outfits and some characters might have 2-3 special expressions like Rachel's daydreaming. A lot of adjusting is required in previous areas of the game for this, text would be updated with fixes to look better too during this, new effects, etc. Targeted date for this is for May.)

-Stat adjustments. (This is mainly looking at days 6-10, but might do some stat changes on other previous days as well. The main idea behind this is to ensure the pacing is as follows.. Days 1-5 are mainly friendly/intro holding your hand. Days 6-8 begin to slowly introduce split path choices, affecting plus or minus between two girls. Days 8-12 really begin to offer unlocked content from affection/variables and continue to try making choices affect plus or minus towards other girls as well. Days 13+ is the standard for the game, each choice nearly gives plus with one girl, but another will be affected by it. To help with this, there's moments to gain bonus affection to possibly have other girls stay caught up, but not as much as your girlfriend. This is targeted for June to be added.)

-New gui elements for choices. (This would change the placement of where choice buttons are seen on the screen and make them a bit more fitting with the gui theme. This is targeted for June/July.)

-New sections transition screen. (This would be a visual art background that acts as a nice "loading" screen in a sense between the ending and start of a section. It would help make the day/section text easier to see and read, look more professional, etc. This is currently pushed back to June/July on the list.)

-Cg gallery added. (This is exactly what it sounds like, a gallery to see all the cg scenes you've unlocked. It's only pushed back this far on the list so that we have a decent amount of scenes before really putting this in to make better use of it. This is targeted for July/August. )

-Classroom adjustments. (This would be a simple addition to some existing days already added and future ones. It would add new choices that focus on school work, being called on in class, studying, etc. Things to help give the classroom sections a little bit of a real feeling and also possibly include stats to gain by doing these right. This is only pushed back this far, because it's not a major priority compared to the other stuff above. Targeted for August.)

-Ost gallery music box added. (This is like the cg gallery, it would add a function to listen to pieces of music from the game. There is no set target date for this yet, as the game isn't expected to add custom music/sound until possibly late July/August? )


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