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If you haven't seen the previous news post for April, here it is.

Let's jump right into what's going on, any new kickstarter details can be found here.

(1) Update 0.10 content. Just like in the previous post, this update will release on April 30th. It'll bring with it days 13, 14 & 15 for sure!

Now considering day 16 that I wanted to be added into this update, but it will be very tight on time in order to try and push this extra day into the update. So what will happen though is this. Exactly 1 week after update 0.10 releases, I will release a small continued update called 0.11 (minor) which will add day 16 as a part 2 in a sense to what events are taking place between days 15 & 16.

Sorry that it's a bit odd, but this isn't something that will happen often.

The 2nd weekend (days 13 & 14) are being wrapped up on their writing and engine work by this coming weekend. Which as promised in the previous news post, it does offer 3 different sections that has split path choices on who to hang out with further. Along with more rewards like unlockable choices or dialogue, outcomes based on affection or previous choices in other days. It's starting to get a bit more advanced and we hope to only continue expanding on this as each update continues.

We still have plans of going back to day 5 section 3, in order to add Juliet as a choice instead of Bridget. This is because of Juliet becoming a main character in her spot, there will be new dialogue for this option with Juliet.

Regarding major unlock choices like how day 12 offers very rewarding details/progress with characters based on their affection and previous choices. We so far have day 14 which has a scene like this, to avoid spoilers. I won't mention who it's for, but keep a look out during day 14 for this! ^^

(2) Art updates. Update 0.10 is still planned to bring 5 new bg's (swimming pool) (diaper training room) (gym area) (courtyard) (club room)

We have the gym area done so far, with the swimming pool in the works right now. A little behind as we're half way through the month, but we hope to have these all done for the update and ready to be seen in the update.

This leaves us with about 9-10 backgrounds left, which I'd like to push another big request to have 4-5 more done in May. Even if it has to come out of my pocket to make it possible. That would put us in a good spot of having the bg's nearly done during summer.

Cg scenes have been lacking and there is no plans for new ones in April, there is a reason for this and I do hope everyone can please wait while we settle things with this. My goal is to do a huge cg scene push and request 5-6 cg scenes for May and further news about cg scenes will come later this month leading into May, as there's some behind the scenes stuff going on with them. Thank you for being able to wait, I know cg scenes are a important aspect to many.

If all goes to plan, from May forward. We should begin to see at least 4+ new cg scenes added in each update. We'll keep you updated on the cg scene news later this month as more details are gathered, again thank you for understanding. <3

For sprites, I still feel like it's possible to add Joey, Nathan and Charlotte into the game this update. If there's extra time after polishing things and making sure bugs are out of the way mostly, I would like to add Erika's new sprite into the game to replace her current one. We are still taking in votes for another day here about this and you can see her new look here.

We will preview how Nova's changes are looking later this week, be on the look out as we'll offer voting on that too!

(3) Changes to main girl sprites. So we're in the process and getting updates on these adjustments and changes just recently, Erika we just shared how her final changes are looking and checking to see how everyone likes or dislikes them. Nova is ready to be previewed later this week, she has more changes than Erika going on and it'll be interesting to see the reactions to her changes I think.

Fans who remember how Nova used to look before having her hair turn purple, should love her new look. But there might be some dislike about how her skin tan/tone is going to look, hope you all understand and look forward to seeing these.

I can't say if which will come next for previews if it'll be Rachel or Heather. But hopefully at least one of those two will be nearly ready to be seen by the end of this month for how they're coming along.


To wrap things up, things are on schedule for the next update. I do have a really good feeling that those of you who enjoyed the last update will really love this one if you liked the additions of major unlocked rewarding content, as this will offer more of that and new stuff for replay value that could be seen as more fun and worth the replay to check out other choices.

Without trying to spoil the major stuff going on in the story, update 0.10 plus the minor update 0.11 (day 16 only added). This should act as the festival arc.

May Update 0.12 which will feature days 17, 18 & 19. This will be seen as the conclusion to the festival arc and major build up before the girlfriend routes begin.

June Update 0.13 would purely be all the girls 1st part of their routes sections. (Nova, Juliet, Erika, Miki, Heather, Rachel) & (Bridget, Lola, Zoey) In order to explain, each weekend starting with the 3rd weekend as a the route focus. Then weekdays go back to normal school life stuff going on, until the next weekend where the route will continue with events. These events should be seen as being a bit realistic in the sense that they still do stuff between each route part of X girl's story, as if school is still continuing normally.

July Update 0.14 would feature days 22, 23, 24 (days 20 & 21 are weekend days and considered used up during the routes.) Things will get a bit odd for updates from after this update, as we have to pick and choose which girl routes will be seen done first for future updates and split them up. (aka 3 girls 2nd route parts would be in this update, the other 6 would have to be released in update 0.15)

Hope the timeline helps give a good idea on what to get hyped about and that you all look forward to seeing things get more exciting in the upcoming updates! Those of you who want more sexual acts will soon begin to see the progress of these ramp up in a still fairly realistic but more sped up way, still striking to keep things balanced.

Thank you all for reading! <3


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