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Hello all you $10+ supporters! ^^

The main reason for this post is for you guys to be able to suggest any certain content or ideas that you have in mind, would like to see included in MA. There is no promise that these suggestions will be added, as there's many factors that go into what can and will be added.

Regardless, if you have something that you feel is lacking either because we haven't reached the right point in the game to display certain things (more hardcore sex acts) or it simply isn't in the game, let us know in the comments below! ^^

(This post unlike the monthly Q&A and voting poll, does not receive new posts each month. All suggestions through the year and onward are linked to this post here.)



Just raised my pledge from 5-10 $ Today, seems my timing was just right ^^ It's not a big deal but sometimes you get the feeling that you not really at an Academy. It would be imersive if you get to answer a few smart Questions from Time to Time, it could even impact your affection to the girls. Maybe you take part in a test and can decide who will sit next to you so you can help them out in case they get lost. And you have a little more to do during classes^^


Thank you for the pledge change! ^^ Hope you enjoy the perks for supporting at $10. Very nice suggestion! ^^ This is something we try to manage and pay attention to closely with making it feel like a living, breathing school. I think that is one thing that will show up over time is some more general class related moments, things along the lines of being called on by the teacher for answering certain questions related to subjects, working on school work with students and trying to offer help to girls, etc. I know before the reboot there was some small moments like a study date with Erika, which played out like a multiple choice mini game. If you scored enough points, you would gain more affection from it and unlock scenes. Stuff like this nature I think has been a little over looked during days 1-5 (skipping 6, 7 for weekend) 8-12. In favor of having more interesting project style sections or stuff that doesn't directly have to focus too much on school work. But it is possible that this kind of suggestion will see itself added in future days to come and possibly when we go back through older sections to add extra choices that's fitting to expand on more content there, we can see some stuff like this work it's way into those older sections here and there to give it a little life in this sense. ^^ Thank you for the suggestion! By all means, supporters aren't limited when it comes to suggestions. So if there's anything else you'd like to add later, it's the purpose of this post <3 ^^


Not really a content suggestion i'm afraid, but you could maybe highlight this post a little bit more? I almost forgot about it and had to look it up again. In terms of content, i don't know whats even possible with the background of an Visual Novel(Engine) There would be no point to suggest minigames to earn money if the concept of money and Items makes no sence in a VN


Sorry about that! >.< I'll try to highlight this post as part of the monthly poll post that tends to get pinned at the top of the page monthly. That way it should be a bit more highlighted. ^^ While there isn't quite any use in money for the game, there is slowly some items that are earned coming along in the updates. Where these items will unlock select content or be used at times in the game towards characters.


One thing that came to my mind mulitple times by now is that Brandon very rarely uses or interact with his own diaper. And i don't think there was ever a choice to make when it comes to his diaper. I personally would enjoy some interaction or choices for this topic. Being put into a diaper and 24/7 on top on it is a big impact after all. There could be choices if he struggels with using them or try to hold it back as much as possible or just let it go. Maybe even trying to break into the staff Toilet as a mini Game? There could be a choice to make at the start of the Game (like the sibling choice with Erika) Where you could decide if you like to only wet or mess your diaper or if you don't like that stuff at all.


Very good suggestion and it is something that is on the bucket list for adjustments for older sections and keeping in mind for future content. Of course we don't want to completely make it a common thing that happens very often, but it for sure does need to have a bit more impact seen in the game. There are some factors we keep in mind to balance with each given section, the concern of general story events vs sexual content, vs diaper related stuff. Of course some moments or events might be a bit ruined in a sense if we were to just toss in diaper accident moments randomly without trying to consider if it would mess up the section's flow/pacing, events happening or if it's a good fit or not, etc. Needless to say this is something more on the lighter side that can be added very soon and is on the list, I don't want to give any hopes up. As mentioned I don't want it to become so common and feeling the same but reused in a sense when it is possible for these moments to take place. The one thing I like to leave up in the air that does help add to this considering the 24/7 rule is that when we see the moments in each day, we're still only seeing bits and pieces from the morning through night time. You might notice day 4 section 2 for example has Brandon head to the nurse because he messed himself, but it didn't happen in section 1 before. Hence there's some events that are off screen, acting as everything still goes on even if not seen on screen. But even with that considered, I can admit there for sure is room to add some more moments where he has accidents and let the player choose how to go about it. I won't say to expect these in update 0.12, but if not seen in the next update in June. It'll for sure make the list for 0.13 in July. ^^ Thank you for the suggestion!