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The monthly Q&A and voting poll. These are open to the public, but supporters votes by default count as double and when answering questions they'll be given more priority.

Q&A is simply just as it sounds! Leave any questions about the game, be it tech support, story, character, etc. Whatever feels fitting for questions to ask about the game and project. (These questions can be directed in a roleplaying style towards select characters, watch as they personally reply back to you about your question relating to them! :o In order to direct a question to a character in a roleplay sense. Simply copy the below, fill it out and paste it, wait for your response! ^^)

---Character Question---
@insert character name (Example: @Miki )
Question: How tall are you Miki?

---Character Response---
Miki: Heeey!! What's with that question?! .... Okay, only because you're really fun to be around! -giggles- I'm 5'2"!

The voting part of this post is to vote on your favorite character's from the most recent updates, this can be based on their story events so far or their personality, etc. Along with this is the voting if you like the recent updates or if it doesn't feel so great. Everyone can vote multiple times on the choices.  

(If you dislike or like certain things and feel it's worth noting what, I do enjoy seeing feedback and comments even if it's not in the best of light. It's my job to take feedback and while I can't make everyone happy, I do consider everything! ^^ )



It is not really a bad thing if someone doesn't like all charakters I think, after all I don't think you will end up with 10 Girlfriends. I don't like Bridget and Lola, but i would not even change them, they can't be all amazing.

MessyAcademy (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-30 00:29:09 That is very true! ^^ Ideally I look at this more along the lines of giving myself a better idea if Y or X characters have a very low vote count. It doesn't confirm or really tell me too much, but I do look at that and try to continue to improve these character's (without forcefully changing their stories, etc.) <3
2020-04-01 05:57:45 That is very true! ^^ Ideally I look at this more along the lines of giving myself a better idea if Y or X characters have a very low vote count. It doesn't confirm or really tell me too much, but I do look at that and try to continue to improve these character's (without forcefully changing their stories, etc.) <3

That is very true! ^^ Ideally I look at this more along the lines of giving myself a better idea if Y or X characters have a very low vote count. It doesn't confirm or really tell me too much, but I do look at that and try to continue to improve these character's (without forcefully changing their stories, etc.) <3


I know these polls are long already, but I feel like you'd get even more helpful information out of them if you broke them down further into: I like the character, I like the content for them, I don't like the character, I don't like the content for them. You might honestly even be able to remove the "dislike" options and just have people vote for the ones they like if you wanted, since you're mostly looking at it by the numbers of who was popular anyway it sounds like. The reason I say that is because there are some for me who I like one aspect but not another. Heather for example I like her character in general but wasn't a huge fan of her newest content etc. Zoey for me is the other side of that coin, where I'm not the biggest fan of her character, but I liked her newest content, and I could say the same for Bridget's older ones where I'm not the biggest fan of her personality necessarily, but I do like some of her scenes etc. and it feels kind of strange to vote distinctly for or against when it's more of a mix for some characters. It might also be valuable to evaluate newest content separately vs. all available content for a character overall in the game so far. Maybe even something simple like "my overall feeling about (character name here) at this point in the game is: positive, neutral, negative" to help you better gauge some of this stuff. I'm not trying to over complicate things with these suggestions though, they're just some food for thought anyway.

MessyAcademy (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-30 00:29:09 That is a very good idea! ^^ Sadly patreon polls only allow up to 25 choices (which is still a lot for most cases) But I'd have to make use of external voting poll websites, which isn't the end of the world. I'm sure it's a little bit extra hassle by doing that, but I do like the idea of letting everyone vote on certain aspects for each character they like. It'd give me a rough idea of why certain characters are popular due to their personality, story events, etc. Regardless, this is something I'll have to set aside and remember as we head into May. I'll do something along those lines above, I'd like to mix up things each month that seems fun to engage in too, as I'm sure voting on the same stuff from previous months isn't too engaging or fun after a while? &lt;.&lt;
2020-04-01 20:06:00 That is a very good idea! ^^ Sadly patreon polls only allow up to 25 choices (which is still a lot for most cases) But I'd have to make use of external voting poll websites, which isn't the end of the world. I'm sure it's a little bit extra hassle by doing that, but I do like the idea of letting everyone vote on certain aspects for each character they like. It'd give me a rough idea of why certain characters are popular due to their personality, story events, etc. Regardless, this is something I'll have to set aside and remember as we head into May. I'll do something along those lines above, I'd like to mix up things each month that seems fun to engage in too, as I'm sure voting on the same stuff from previous months isn't too engaging or fun after a while? <.<

That is a very good idea! ^^ Sadly patreon polls only allow up to 25 choices (which is still a lot for most cases) But I'd have to make use of external voting poll websites, which isn't the end of the world. I'm sure it's a little bit extra hassle by doing that, but I do like the idea of letting everyone vote on certain aspects for each character they like. It'd give me a rough idea of why certain characters are popular due to their personality, story events, etc. Regardless, this is something I'll have to set aside and remember as we head into May. I'll do something along those lines above, I'd like to mix up things each month that seems fun to engage in too, as I'm sure voting on the same stuff from previous months isn't too engaging or fun after a while? <.<


That one poll you hosted before off site seemed to go fine I thought. It's too bad there's a 25 item limit for polls on Patreon, maybe something they could consider increasing in the future perhaps, but even if not at least you have a method to go about it that more or less works. If you really wanted to get "crazy" with it, you could even do a poll that nails it down to specific scenes on a per character basis, and see what peoples thoughts were on the individual days' content in the game or what peoples favorite scenes per character are.... stuff like that if you wanted.


I feel that. For example, I like Bridget's events, but I don't really like her character design all that much. I liked the way she looked as a 3D model more, and it does feel like her personality changed quite a bit from the early versions of the game (She was my favorite character at that time). But now she's changed so much to the point where I don't really want to go down her route anymore. Of course, I wouldn't ask that to be changed in any way, I'm just one person and I understand that these things happen in an ongoing project like this so I'm not really complaining.