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Just wanted to do a quick post to tell everyone that we've reached our 2nd monthly goal for patreon at $320! With nearly over a week before the end of this month still to go.

Staying around this goal will be very great help for the project's budget, with cg scenes on average costing us $75 per piece. This goal will allow us to easily get 2 new cg scenes per month (possibly 3) with the rest of the budget being split to the team for their fair share of work and opening up other aspects like getting the final gui elements finished! (which is in the works and was possible to cover the costs for it this month, thanks to you awesome supporters! ^^ )

For new supporters, our team tries to be very open about our processes. With money spending, behind the scenes work being done and just in general what to expect from us, etc. My thought process is this, if I was spending money to help support someone or a team with a project. I'd like to at least have some sort of idea how much of their funding is really being used for improving said project vs just pocketing it.

Hopefully support continues to prove it's strength and growth through the rest of this month and maybe get close to the next goal in February! :P Big thank you to all you supporters out there, for those of you sharing and discussing the project with others! We're very thankful for all the support no matter what support tier or even simply following along on the side cheering us on, etc. We really wouldn't be able to make this project nearly as great as it's turning out to be without the support that allowed us to tackle aspects like 2d sprites, cg scenes, gui, etc.

So for that, from myself personally and the messy studios team! Thank you all and I hope you all enjoy the update on the 30th! <3


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