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Before I begin with this post. I'd like to mention that it does contain spoiling of events for the 6th day, which replaces part of free day content with re-imagined events instead and branching paths. There is new events added and choices being added to these days. You have been warned! Only read if you don't mind spoiling the day 6 in a summary.

Day 6 - Section 1 (Hoo-ver-what?)

Brandon over hears some fun being had in the diaper training room and is caught listening in on them. It turns out Miki is playing a game with a girl named Bindy, as they decide to let you join them. It's a odd game with building blocks and stuffed animals, as Miki tries to explain things to you with how it works and there's some fun stuff going on with explaining it. After having some fun and getting the hang of the game, they begin to rebuild the buildings in the game and Brandon has to pee himself. This gets the girls attention and soon Miki tackles him to the ground, with Bindy helping keep him down. They try to pretend like they're still playing part of the game, using their character name's from the game. But things turn a little erotic and Brandon gets scared, which causes him to shout at Miki. Making her get upset and running off, with the choice being to pursue her or end things for the section.

Day 6 - Section 2 (Swimming Lessons suck.)

Brandon finds an ad on the billboard by Nova, she's offering swim lessons and he decides to check it out. Where he finds Bridget with arm floaties on and chats with Nova about joining them, we learn that Nova is doing this because her bad grades and in order to maintain a good grade point average for sports. They get into the pool and before their lessons, Bridget mentions how learning to swim would be easy if it were a video game. Some video game talk confuses Nova who we learn has never played them before at all. Which after some further talks, they begin their lesson and Brandon swims off on his own as he already knows how to swim. After some time has passed they stop again and there's some further dialogue about Bridget being upset, until their time is nearly up. For some reason Bridget still has a rude tone going on and tries to start drama with Nova, before she whispers to Brandon if he'd like to follow her back to borrow her new game. This leads to a branching path where players can stay with Nova to hang out further or follow Bridget to hang out with her a bit. (information about their split branches hidden, sorry. But they're pretty fun and rewarding for which girl you have more interest in.)

Day 6 - Section 3 (Geeks reunite!)

It's been a long week but Joey and Nathan finally meet up with Brandon, they begin discussing how things have been during the week for a while in the hall. But they soon notice other students wondering what the boys are all doing together talking in secret, so Brandon suggests they go to his room to talk in private. They agree, but he notices his sister running down the hallway towards him. So he tries to get them to hurry up and move along with him, but it's too late as Erika tries to embarrass him in front of his buddies. After further chatting in the open, they've all noticed the crowd of students forming around them and head to Brandon's room. There, they sit together and chat about further details of events and introduce Erika to the two. After munch dialogue between them all through the night, it's getting late and so the two boys leave and Erika asks if she can spend the night at his place. He is against it, but gives up and allows it and as they head to bed. He remembers that he only sleeps in his diaper, making the situation awkward. But when he turns to mention that this might not work out, his sister is already down to her diaper and bra. Mentioning she normally has a nightie to wear, but it's at her room. after some time trying to not think of it in a weird way, they lay in bed and they have a heart touching moment mentioning their how it reminds them of when they were kids. The choice that pops up is to cuddle with her or not.

Behind the scenes notes

*Miki's section was my fav one to write for in this day I think, it had such a fun focus and still was able to do some other stuff during it. The section is based on the free day scenario with Miki & Bindy, taking much of that idea. But expanding on it a bit more.

*Miki's section gives a very good idea of how her character can be erotic with her not really being aware of sexual stuff. It'll give a very good idea how to expect her to act in scenes with sexual content, compared to other characters.

*Bindy was actually not meant to be nothing more than a simple background character that was part of Miki's scene in the old version of the game. But our writer at the time gave them a name and ran with the idea of her being a mute, giving life to a new fun character. (she will have a visual sprite too)

*Nova/Bridget's section show cases how branching path choices will and can work for the series. There will be others like it in nature, where players will be able to choose one or another girl to hang out with or be paired up with in sections. This will have different outcomes and things show up because of it, along with help make it feel more personal when playing through the game as more of these choices pop up.

*Nova/Bridget's section was actually a bit of a worry to me. Because I feel like these two characters don't have a charm with hanging out together, it almost made me want to save Bridget's swimming lesson focus for another future section. Then have Rachel show up here instead, but I'm glad I stuck with the guns and kept Bridget in this section. Even though there's two main characters here, they should both feel balanced. One shouldn't steal the spot light from the other.

*This section was based on the free day where hanging out with Bridget in the old version, she is trying to learn to swim with arm floaties and a background character helping. I wanted to instead make it feel more personal with Nova helping out and it felt fitting for her to show up here, just as much as it should still feel fitting for Bridget.

*Nova/Bridget's section was supposed to have set focuses, where we would see Nova have her first diaper accident show up here. But of course with things focused on swimming, I couldn't quite find a good moment for it to show up here. Bridget on the other hand.. Well with her leaving it felt fitting :P (sorry fans of Nova! She'll have her day of accidents too!)

*The idea of Nova never playing video games before felt like a nice touch to her character, it felt like something that's possible with her history growing up.

*Erika's section is a bit odd since it has Joey/Nathan focused on too. But it should still hopefully feel good for those who like Erika, it gives off more of her sibling qualities and it's really fun to see how the two boys react and act around her.

*Erika's choice was a bit tough, because I'm trying to keep her neutral in a sense. I don't want her stuff to feel too sexual as it's a bit awkward in their situation, but the choice should be seen more as a heart touching and cute moment between siblings, rather than sexual and trying to be erotic. (up to person to person how they see it of course)

*There was going to be a moment where Erika would've farted in front of Joey/Nathan to embarrass Brandon. Which would've done it's job and have them react to it, as things were going on. Joey would've sniffed the air around her, as the rest of them looked in disgust/shock. Meant to be a funny moment, but I couldn't find a fitting spot for it to work for this section.

(day 7 will focus on the other main girls not seen in day 6 during the weekend. There won't be any behind the scenes written stuff for a while after this post here. This is because I'm going to be focused on putting all the written content into the engine and get things polished and ready for release ^^ Thank you for understanding. )

(There will still be art previews and other posts of course, just these written behind the scenes will die out for a little bit. )


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