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This post is here to let all of you non supporters who follow us or come along to the patreon page know that the "reboot demo" that consists of days 1 & 2 is now open to the public!

While supporters still have to wait until the end of this month for update 0.07 to add new content. There is still plenty of art previews, behind the scenes and other stuff going on until then for them only.

Once update 0.07 releases at the end of this month exclusively for supporters, the game updates cycle will be monthly from then on. Meaning at the end of a given month, a new update will come out and the previous one from the last month would become public.

Hopefully the public enjoys the new direction, focus and ideals for the game like we've been hearing so far and taking down concerns, along with feedback to ensure the game is successful! ^^



Too bad ntr ruined this game


Have you tried out the demo? :P 100% avoidable/optional ntr means exactly what those words mean. It's there, but you have the option to skip and never have to see it.


Also I could just delete these comments, but I choose not to. I'd rather let my supporters and others see the thought process behind why people dislike ntr and yet choose to blindly troll without any foot to stand on.

Zerion Magna

I heard that for the new release (latest one), the MC has a fixed name. Will the ability to name the MC return, or are we stuck being called Brandon?.


Hi there! ^^ There has been a mention in the past in order to allow players to rename the MC. While it has been a while since it's been suggested to us, it's still on our list of things to get around to. It should be simple enough to get working, it's just a matter of what stuff to do in priority first takes over. It is towards the top of the list though, maybe we'll see it in the patreon exclusive release for Feb. It's a shorter month, so it's hard to tell yet. Plus we'll also be trying to get the final gui elements added into the game and working without any issues in Feb. (not sure if maybe there was any misunderstandings from older posts. But the ability to rename MC hasn't been around before, just still on the list of things to get to. :P ) Sorry that it'll be a while still, I'd guess if not Feb. By March would seem very good in it's favor.