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Hi everyone! ^^

This won't be a big update in news, but I wanted to let you supporters know that the "reboot demo" that consists of days 1 & 2 will become public today. I don't want you guys to feel that by doing this that it's meaningless to be a supporter, because that's not the case! You supporters have roughly less than two weeks from now before update 0.07, but you'll still receive behind the scenes, art previews, etc.

This is just one odd spot right now, as we get the update cycle back on track. So ideally, "reboot demo" will be public and in terms of game content. You guys won't have anything exclusive in that regard until 0.07 releases at the end of this month. But that also means the public won't have 0.07 available to them until the end of February, when update 0.08 releases exclusively for you guys! ^^

Then the update cycle will be fixed! It is possible that based on how things go. The public might end up only getting a new update every two months, but this will depend on how support continues towards the project and if it feels like it's needed. As we try to be fair for those who choose to support us and also give the public who either plays and chooses to also support or those who hold off for public releases only without supporting, etc.

Either way! I wanted to let everyone know about this, as it might feel odd for roughly two weeks until update 0.07 releases. But then it'll be smooth sailing again. ^^


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