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Sorry for the flood of updates today! Anyways, the "reboot" demo that consists of days 1 & 2 has released tonight. This should give a decent preview of how the game's direction, ideals and focus will look moving forward. The only thing the demo doesn't fully showcase that well, is how sex acts and stuff in that nature will be ramped up and seen quicker than before. This still means there's good pacing for leading to things, so don't expect day 3 to come around and having sex with someone of course. There will be much more focus on diapers which the demo I hope gives a good preview of that in a sense with accidents, flashing, general focus of them, etc.

Of course girlfriend routes aren't seen yet, which comes later on around week 3 of the game roughly. There is some little things the demo doesn't showcase with the game's new ideals/focus, direction. But it should still give a idea of whats going on compared to the previous updates.

Now, the fun part! Since the demo released. Please do take your time and enjoy it fully, then vote how you feel about this demo and the new direction the game is leading towards.

Also any characters that didn't show up in days 1 & 2, please understand they will show up in the update for January. The pacing to add their intros in, needed to be spread out a little. day 3 will feature Heather & Rachel's intros. day 4 will have Zoey and day 5 will feature Bridget. (Lola is targeted to show up in week 2, possibly during the weekend before then.) Week 1 or the first 5 days is like a introduction to characters, while making it fun and adding other stuff between. (don't let this affect your votes for now.)

(if you wish to leave comments, by all means please do so! ^^ I want honest opinions and feedback, first impressions of this demo and general thought on if the game feels like it's heading in a direction you still think is good to you or maybe it's not anymore? Whatever the case be, I'm open to good or bad, etc. )


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