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Finally! The "reboot" demo that contains days 1 & 2 has been released! There should hopefully be no visual bugs or game breaking bugs, if by any chance there is. Please do report them to me using the discord or by comments below! ^^ (friendly reminder some 3d placeholder sprites are still in the game, these will be replaced in 0.07 with finished sprites or 2d rough sketch place holder sprites.)

Just a quick reminder, this demo is for you supporters to choose if it's worth supporting us moving into Jan, as we continue to work hard and get 0.07 update wrapped up and get things rolling on track again. Every little bit of support helps majorly in the art side of things right now, but I do understand everyone's choice if they decide to hold off until 0.07 for a bigger update compared to this demo. This demo is meant to show how the direction of the game and focus will take it, sex acts and so on will come quicker. But not jumping right into sex before choosing a girlfriend. etc. It is my wish to be open about the direction for the game and so I continue to try supplying you all with most up to date details on what the team is doing for the game.

Thank you all, Enjoy! ^^ & have a Happy New year! <3

Windows version: Here

Mac version: Here

Password to unlock zip:  princessreboot

Edit: Jan 3rd. Fixed the links with the new hotfix versions.


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