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With the game undergoing some adjusting in order to make sure the game reaches it's ideal focus and goals for the series by it's completed state. If you guys don't know already, please do check out this post here for full details on our plans! :) https://www.patreon.com/posts/messy-academy-32167793

So these posts labeled like this will be for what the engine and writing side of things for the game are doing during this quiet moment in updates for the game to address the adjustments to be made. I don't wish to mislead anyone with our direction goals for the game, so that's why I mention everything 100% in the open like this. :P If it's an aspect you dislike or don't agree with, while I can understand. It's also how I've envisioned the direction for the game too from the start.. So with that in mind, let's begin with some details being done so far.

(1) Erika as of the current game is addressed as being your step sister. This wasn't exactly my goal in mind for her, more so that a few people disliked the idea of doing things with their blood related sister. Which I understand those concerns, we're not looking to make players forced into it. While there is some small moments that might be considered "Oh.. Uh.. Well, I don't know I hope it doesn't go further than that!". We're looking to make Erika your blood related sister again, part of the concern I feel came from those seeing her as your little sister. Mixed with people assuming the academy is actually a high school.. <.< You get the idea. So before it's fully set in stone, I'll be doing a voting poll to just engage how people feel about this change back to it's original idea. (not trying to say it will affect our choice, but it'll let us know if it's massively disliked. But keep in mind it'd be more of a route focus, meaning you won't need to focus on her in that relationship in less you pursue it.)

(2) I think that I touched on this in the main post.. But NTR (cuckold) content is 100% optional with the adjustments moving forward with the game. There will be one or two girls who have that theme as part of their route by default, but it's going to be heavily hinted about before you choose mentioned girl. (This means scenes with John doing naughty stuff, is 100% optional/avoidable.)

(3) Accidents system is still going to be in the game, it'll be adjusted a little. But roughly stay with the ideal before. Brandon will have accidents and at first, there's some that's not controllable. (part of the story progression) Then it'll later be linked to a mini-game. But till the mini-game can be added, it'll simply be a choice to have the accident or not. This will affect girls into teasing you more about not being able to wait to do it without them around. The other accidents will be natural/forced targeted towards the girls, natural happen on their own. (part of the story progression) Forced are when they need to use their diapers but will try to excuse themselves as it's embarrassing, but you stand in their way of letting them leave. causing it to be forced in nature, this will affect parts of the game leading to the end too.

(4) There is light romance once you're on a girlfriend route, but it depends on the girl and doesn't fully take away from the sex acts to be seen through the game.

(5) The free days is planned to stay the same, minus some adjusted sections to make more sense of the new diaper rule being 24/7 outside of active school days and no restroom uses. But the plan is to have three free days in total, that act like how they do in the current build. Then before the 4th free day, you'll be tasked with choosing your girlfriend. This will make the 4th free day and others turned into a linear style game play, that focuses purely on your girlfriend. But it'll still feature Morning/Noon/Afternoon sections with said girl. (This will be part of a voting poll to engage and see what everyone thinks, as it takes away open roam to focus purely on your girlfriend. But this isn't set in stone and will still ideally have the same amount of content regardless for each girl for free days as previous ones. Just that it'd be like flipping a switch saying "linear to focus on her or keep it open and choose to spend time with other girls still.") So it wouldn't be a hard thing to change from one way or the other on the engine side, it'd be a little bit extra work for the writer, editor though. Making sure there's extra dialogue for two ways (one=hanging with Nova as non-girlfriend, she might not show romance dialogue. two=hanging with Nova as girlfriend, she will show romance dialogue.)

(6) Nurse/Miss bell is targeted to be adjusted a bit. The plan is that her moments of scene time will be directly linked with the main days at the academy. You'll have the choice to allow situations to avoid her doing naughty sex acts with you or allow it. (Think of this as a mini route and she can't be your girlfriend.)

(7) Lola & Juliet. These two side girls will be allowed to make your girlfriend, but won't have as much focus as the main girls. (This would come later as a add-on story for these characters) That isn't to say they won't have a good amount of sex acts and diaper focus either though! (Zoey is the same thing, just we haven't met her yet. So still a bit mysterious to everyone. :P )

(8) Each girl has a secret fetish/kink that's introduced into their diaper play and sex acts. While I don't wish to openly spoil them, I assure you. They won't be a big "Oh what the hell?!" moment when it pops up. They'll be hinted as greatly as possible before the girlfriend routes kick in. (Do be careful with reading, don't miss out on minor details.)

(9) Joey & Nathan are planned to stay the same still. Each one is at the academy for the same reason as you. So expect at some point to help them choose who to date and we'll see them do naughty acts with their girlfriend towards the end of the game. (Can't forget they're here for the same thing that Brandon decided to go here for.)

(10) Minor side characters. (Charlotte "Bindy", Allie, Rosa.) Will stay untouched. When the game is closer to being completed, we'd like to see if there's demand for add-on stories for these characters.

(11) Finally, the biggest change that's being done and will give the game the bigger "Oh this is different" feel. (aside from the 60/40 ratio ideal) Is that chapters are no longer a thing.. That's right, there will no longer be chapters in the game! Instead the main focus of the game will now be called "Day to day" (These act as the main game, slice of life, general school life with some sex acts mixed in at times. Each "Day to day" or example Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc. Each have 3 sections (Start/Mid/End) Think of the Morning/Noon/Afternoon of free days. Before moving into the next day.) The goal planned out, is that each day at some point in the day. There should always be something going on in terms of diapered content focus or sex acts. While balancing the school life feel. It'll also make it feel more natural to see days go by and with the acts going on, feel more real than how we had things set up before. Where chapter 1 took place all in one day and kind of feels rushed on how it introduces you to some girls. We're looking to aim for choices to show up 1-2 times during each day. Which give affection with girls, might affect the accident system or affect sex acts, etc.

What will this look like though? I mean is the game's current content scrapped then? No. The current content you've all played so far is not scrapped! Think of it like this.. Chapter 1 has what I call 15 sections in total. Compare that to the size of a "Free day" section like a girl's Morning for example in size. That's nearly one whole "Free day" inside of Chapter 1. Now remember above when I said the new "Day to day" ideal will have 3 sections per day? You might be seeing where this is heading.. <.< Pretty much these sections of Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. Will be split up into 3 sections, put it into a day and move to next day, 3 more sections. etc. Below gives a better visual text idea of this in action.. (Very important: existing content will have some adjustments in dialogue or added stuff to existing sections, but for the most part won't be hugely changed.)

Day 1 (Example WIP, this can change and isn't set in stone.)
[Boy’s intro] (they arrive at the academy, chat among each other and head in. John, their teacher introduces himself and mentions the rules of the academy. Which leads the boys into being required to wear diapers 24/7 and not use restrooms too. After changing into their diapers. They’re lead to main class for the day, where Brandon meets Erika (his sister). After spending time in the class, they’re done for the day on activities.
[Dorm hangout with Erika] With their classes done for the day, Erika mentions having him come over to her room to catch up with each other after so many years apart. While in her room, he notices a dresser open slightly and peeking inside reveals to him a bunch of bulky diapers of hers. Which leads to him teasing her a little about how she used to act at a younger age, flashing her panties to him to annoy him. This makes her flash him, her diaper by lifting her skirt trying to cause a reaction from him. After some tier 1 (diaper flashing/upskirt) she is shocked and forgot to call her friend Miki to come over for the night.
[Miki joins in the fun] After calling Miki over the phone, It isn’t long before she shows up at Erika’s dorm and Brandon gets to meet Miki. Which is a general slice of life chatting together and learning a bit about Miki as a character. Before they all decide to call it a night for the day, Miki rushes out for the door to head back to her dorm, but trips over her shoes. Which does tier 1 (diaper flashing/upskirt) as the way she’s fallen on the ground, shows upskirt of her diaper. Brandon heads off to where his dorm is supposed to be and passes out.

Wait.. What's the Tier 1 stuff all mean?  Ah and finally our for real final, final thing to share on our behind the scenes news. So.. I don't want to spoil the exact "list" but we have a list that separates any sexual content or sex acts into their own respected "Tier" this is very good, as it lays out exactly what we've seen while progressing through the days getting further along in the game. Which lets us progress the sex acts in a natural and fluid feeling, instead of say having sex with someone on day 5 because you're horny. Each Tier has it's fair share of stuff that can be used, some characters might progress faster than others or have certain things that others wouldn't do. Let's say footjob as a random example, maybe one or two characters would be okay doing that. But the others would rather find another thing to do. It's a rough guess, but I'd say about 60-70% of sex acts will feature diaper play. What I mean by that is say the above, if a footjob was to happen.. She'll have her diaper on and might use it, do stuff with it, etc. Apply that to other things and that's kind of what to expect. :P

(I know compared to most other diaper related games or media, our focus in the series has more hardcore sex acts that take place as the game progresses and has some extreme stuff compared to said mentions above. But we're not simply looking to appeal to say "adult baby" or "bsdm", etc. Which get away with more of a foreplay, touchy feel sort of approach. Which there's nothing wrong with that >.> It's just that some people within the diaper community or those who are just open minded to these games, won't find Messy Academy being exactly like those games. It offers something a bit different for it's goal and ideals. Be that a good thing or not, it's the series core ideals in mind.)

>.< with all that said.. That's it for the first behind the scenes news post! I know some of it's repeating myself from the major big news post about all this, but this is our most up to date ideals for how to handle things and what's being changed in mind. We'll have two voting polls that address two subjects above that I feel is important. (free day change after 3rd free day and Erika as blood related sister.) So, be on the look out for a new voting poll this week addressing the free day thing first, as it'll be more important to tackle before the other thing.

We have another writer lined up and it'll take a little time to get them adjusted to the series,  but we plan on getting some engine/writing work done this weekend! To report back on our updates! :)

Thank you all and happy hump day! ^^


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