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So I mentioned there would be a poll regarding how free days are planned to work out in the game and see how everyone feels about it's possible change.

Let's get into it. Everyone has a good idea of how the 1st free day plays out and a little preview of how the 2nd one is like in 0.06. But when combined with the new changes to the chapter system becoming more in terms of day to day feeling. We're looking at the long term for how we'd like to handle the girlfriend route focus in the game without taking away from the main days and without making things too complex on top of everything else being considered for it's end goal.

This leads us to the ideal plan in mind: Before the 4th free day begins, the game will ask who you'd like to make your girlfriend. Leading into the 4th free day, instead of being able to openly choose. "Hey I'll go hang out with Miki today in the Morning, Bridget by Noon, etc." This goes away and instead Morning, Noon and Afternoon is completely linear to your girlfriend. This lets us give each girl a deeper focus leading into higher sex acts and their personal stories. You would still be able to see the other characters during main days, but of course it's part of the natural flow of the game. While there could still be branching choices in the main days like "Hmm.. I can go hang out with Rachel or Nova." To help put more focus on select girls, it won't be very open like free days of course. This also means that affection will unlock special sex acts in main days while you have a girlfriend, giving you a sort of harem feel. But more of a reverse NTR (cheating on girlfriend) feel. If you choose to that is!

Of course the above is our ideal focus for how to handle the girlfriend route and I know it takes away that open roam feel for free days before the 4th one comes around. But I want to know how our supporters feel about this, I can't promise things to change from this ideal. But there might be another way around doing this. The only thing I can think of doing but it won't give the girlfriend route that deeper focus (because it'll have to consider Morning/Noon/After noon as if you're simply friends). But it's possible to continue keeping free days how the 1st one is like, in the Afternoon if you have high enough affection with a girl. You'll unlock added stuff to get some sexy stuff out of it. But it can run into some issues and get more complex.

While I'm not trying to shut down the second idea offered, it's something to consider in terms of engine and written issues with being complex. Below to sum it up..

(1) 4th free day = Begins girlfriend route focus, linear focus for her only. Deeper sex acts and really feels like she's become your girlfriend. (still has option to do nearly everything for sex acts in main days with other girls if affection is high enough or choose not to.)

(2) Free days stay the same = 4th free day you have you're girlfriend but still allowed to hang out with others. By hanging out with your girlfriend in Afternoon, you can unlock special sex act scene. (downside your girlfriend's afternoon still has to feel like you're only friends leading up to said unlocked scene. In less we're to do 4th free day (friend version of events & girlfriend version of events.) meaning over 30+ sections to make for one day of the game.. Kind of not our ideal focus needless to say.)

I'm leaning more towards (1) option, but please don't be afraid to speak your mind with your votes. If you have opinions, concerns, issues, etc. I'm a very open kind of person, I'm very accepting of opinions and consider everything. I won't dislike anyone any different for their likes, dislikes, etc. :)



Just a quick reminder for those of you who have yet to vote! Please do so :) As of right now it's leaning more towards our ideal game focus for the series on how to handle the girlfriend routes. Which I believe will really be nice once they're seen in the game very soon in the first months of 2020. While open roaming can be fun too, it'll take away the major focus with the girlfriend feel and sex acts that dig deep in this. (still can go harem route with having a girlfriend like this)


Just one last update! Voting for this will come to an end as of Midnight CST on Sunday. (I forgot to make the poll end)


I'm of split mind on this one, I totally get why option 1 would be easier to do and would provide the most sexy content, but option 2 might be the better story option. Because, if I remember right, relationships are forbidden at this Academy, so it makes sense that for most of the day your gf will pretend to just be your friend, until the afternoon where you find some time to get away from everyone else and have alone time. This might also open up options for other kinds of events, like being caught by one of the other girls or John.


I've already talked myself out of it, option 1 can do the same thing by adding more opportunities to be caught or have other characters realize that you're very close to one of the girls. My main point though I guess is that there should be some danger or riskiness to openly dating one of the girls since it's against the rules.


XD There's plenty that we'll be able to do with option 1 and while option 2 could possibly do some of the same stuff, it'd be a bit more complex overall. Which I wouldn't mind some stuff being complex, but it feels like it'd be something that'll take way more time into creating for content. We're going to make sure that while the relationship routes can be seen more deeper and actually come off more as that feeling of X girl is really my girlfriend now. There will still be the danger and risk for areas that'll make sense at times. I'm excited to not only have people get to this part of the game and see how it'll turn out early on. But also seeing how the main days of content will play out and act as we're shooting for more dialogue choices that not only affect just affection, but might switch up actions related to scenes, trigger events later in following days, etc. Thank you for your insight on this by the way! <3