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I successfully get the character.ai linked with the terminal, and soon it should be able to run with UE5. My current plan is to send the action (destructions/actions) of giantess to character.ai and let it generate the feedback based on your action (then giantess can speak out using the VITs voice generation system). In another word, the giantess should be able to talk BASED ON her actions/mind soon! XDDDD Also you can customize your own giantess based on your character.ai characters. (A real AI giantess Waifu!!!)

Please allow me a few more days, it will be super cool if I get it works eventually!!! Like you can actually communicate with a giantess in 3D game XDDDD

我前几天突发奇想,如果不是用gpt而是character.ai会如何,今天成功的把characterai的token趴下来然后运行了,目前的方案是,在游戏中,把gts的所作所为发送给ai,让ai根据行为生成对应的话,然后用vits说出来! 如果这个实现的话,我们就可以让AI根据行为说话了!也就是说,可以有一个有“自主意识”的gts游戏角色,和你进行对话,想想真的是个很疯狂的idea哈哈。




Alexander Gonzalez

That’s cool. So we can make our own giantess characters with this?

Will Ji

yes, I'll leave the token session open so you can link your own tokens (characters) with the game. Now I just need to figure out a way to describe the giantess's actions properly XDDDD


This sounds really cool. I play often on character.ai, but there are to many filters. Does something like what you describe already exist? (sorry for may bad english)

GodLiquid Z

This sounds very promising and excited to see how this will work.