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Hi all, happy Friday! 

I'll be out of town for 5 days from tomorrow. So I just made this updates to all of you that can try out during the weekend :D The aiming system still has some small bugs that need to fix, but I think currently its 70% working :D Using Mouse Scrolls can change the locked targets. I've only made 5 characters ready with aiming controls for this updates, later I'll implement every giantess with this new system.  By the way, later version I'll lock the car movement once you lock target on it XD but for now, just try to catch it with your sole ;D

As I promised the RPG mode game will be ready soon, still need to solve some animation issues and revise some dialogs. That demo game will be free for every Patreon supporters who supported in July :D

Hope you will have fun crushing tinies!

(links will be published in a separate post, so find the download over there)


我要出个短差,所以赶紧加班做了这个小更新。瞄准系统70%做好了,现在可以使用滚轮进行瞄准了~ 目前只做了5个角色,后续会给全部角色加上锁定系统。新版本我打算将车辆在被锁定的时候停止移动,目前大家就试试看能不能踩到好啦XDDDD

RPG模式又有一位大佬加入帮忙编写剧本了,现在剧情还在润色和完善中,我会在这个月发布demo,所有7月支持过的各位都将会收到RPG 剧情游戏的下载地址。





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