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First GIF is the cutscene I'm working on recently, I feel it's necessary to have some cutscenes in RPG game anyway XD Till today, I'm not only making a brand new game but also some short videos as well so please don't blame my slow progress XDDD.

The Second GIF is a quick demo on how easily you can crush the targets now in first person view. I'm going to design a better indicator for the target system later XD but after all it works! Now I just need to make this system appliable to all the characters and attack animations :D

This month I'm planning to have 2 updates: the RPG demo (this will be available for all the supporters from last month as well) and the playground map with aiming system. I'll try to get them done by this week or next weekend.

Hope you will like it ;D


第二个GIF是锁定系统可以使用后踩踏的效果,基本上每一下都可以踩到东西了,还是蛮不错的~~~ (车辆有点问题,跑的太快了)这个系统还需要继续完善,但是起码论证了可用了,目前在迁移到全部的角色和动作中,需要花点时间。

这个月大概会更新两个版本,一个是rpg的demo(这个也会发给上个月支持的用户),另外就是具备瞄准系统的Playground Map,我努力在周末或者下周完成。

