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First of all, super appreciate everyone for supporting me! I hope you like the matrix map so far. I'll implement that map in future since the RPG progress is much slower than I expected. Hope this news won't disappoint you XD

Since making the decision of turning it into a RPG game 2 weeks ago, I've built a simple dialog system/quest system and also changed the UI a little bit. Now as you can see the player height is visiable, Myth Energy is just a temp name XDDD that is for the skill system I'm going to develop soon.

I'm planning to add a skill system for player that can unlock different characters / change attack animations / unlock hidden maps, so there will be RPG mode and playground (pure destruction) mode eventually. (but you have to unlock the characters/animations and maps XDDDD) I guess this will make it more like a serious game and more playable.

Some of you may already found that English is not my first language. I'm kind of stuck when reaching the dialog part. We all know story is the key of a RPG game. I may have some ideas on the directions of this game but I guess it's better to find someone more professional than me to write the story (also the dialogs texts cuz I found my expressions are quite restricted when started writing XDDDDD).

So I'm looking for a story writter/director who would like to dedicate into this project. If you are interested or you have someone in mind please leave a message or send me PM. I would like to share some of the incomes if you are really good. (please don't be too expensive since I also need to save some for purchasing the plugin and models ;D) 

Also I'm looking for people who have coding experiences (it would be great if you are familiar with UE or Unity) and want to develop the game together, I found it's quite insane for me doing everything all alone (too slow). I guess I'm targeting to form a small giantess game developing team haha. Anyway, I'll do my best before finding some one to help. 


Below is Chinese translation:


希望大家Matrix World都玩的开心,RPG系统的开发比我想象的要慢很多,所以在这段时间我还会继续完善Matrix World模式让大家有得玩。

目前游戏的对话以及任务系统大概工作了(虽然看起来比较简陋,但是毕竟只用了2周)不过我卡在了剧本这部分…… 以及目前的开发量十分巨大,所以想试着招募一下同僚一起开发! 剧本的话目前还是暂定英文为主要语言,所以如果你有比较好的英语写手推荐,或者你的英文写作很ok的话可以留言/私信我,我可以拿出一部分收入来支付报酬。另外如果你有游戏开发经验/或者愿意学习一起做UE游戏开发的话也欢迎私信我。

希望在大家共同努力下,这个游戏可以慢慢变成一个真正的RPG作品 :D 



Giantess RPG game in developing :D

According to the voting result from my patreon, I moved on to develop a rpg system of my game. So far the basic dialog and score system are kind of working I guess. I know there are quite a lot of good giantess related RPG games, however still worth to try something different like using a better engine XDDD. Soon after making this decision, I found my poor English cannot support the game dialogs T.T , plus I guess one man team cannot hold such a big project. So anyone who is interested with animation design / story writing / UE5 RPG system development and willing to help out with this game please reach me at giantcontent2022@gmail.com.


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