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Hi all,

The new game is eventually ready to publish! I thought I was just about to change a walking animation, however, I ended up remaking the entire system XDDD Now, the code is more organized and easy for the future implementation! In the last two months, I was quite busy working on it and now I can finally release a demo for you! Please understand the game may have some unexpected bugs since I pretty much remade the entire game. I guess this wouldn't be a big problem since we'll get it to a better one together soon!

What I have changed to this new version:

1. New locomotion system for the character movement. 

Now our giantess has transitions between different walking/running states. Moreover, the speed is related to our giantess' scale so she would look more solid when walking.

2. Targeting system:

I showed a demo a while ago, and now our giantess' animations are controlled based on her IK system. This would give more possibility of interactions. Although there are not many new animations in this update, you can still feel that she can grab/step more accurately. In the future, I'll try to have more interesting interactions with tinys. 

3. Destruction system:

This is probably the biggest change in this version. I never thought the system could work out in the big map of Matrix demo. Now I guess we have almost touched the top limits of UE5 destruction lol. The height of Giantess used to be restricted to around 50-80 meters tall due to poor performance but now she can grow up to like 300 and still can have a decent performance. (just don't smash too many buildings at the same time) I changed the collision from a real-time body-shaped collision to a more calculated-based collision. As a result, the collision may become a bit less accurate (you will feel it when playing), however, the performance is way much better.  Meanwhile, the building destruction effect was calculated on CPU before, and now it's running on GPU (through Niagara particle system) which is around 500% faster. 

Well, I have to admit this system still has some bugs to fix, for example, during the animation the character may not be able to destroy the buildings. I'll try to make it better in the following 1-2 months.

What I am about to do in the future:

1. Tiny mode and GPT-controlled AI:

Although there's a simple tiny mode in this version, only very few interactions can be done with the giantess. I just put a ragdoll system on him so whenever Giantess steps on the tiny, he will fall on the floor. 

I plan to make a command system that can guide the giantess to walk to a certain location and follow orders like crush/grab. Also, there'll be a random movement mode like before but with smarter giantess. Hopefully, I can also integrate the GPT system into the next version so AI would take over the giantess and rampage in the city.

2. Pose mode:

The system in Yumi's Junkyard demo will be added to the new game so you can pose the giantess as your wish.

3. Mega scale destruction:

A larger-scale giantess destruction is always good, I'll try to make some tiny building models for the mega-scale giantess map.

4. Maybe online mode?

The new system is all network-ready! Which means maybe one day we'll have a PUBG giantess version?

If you have any idea on the simulator, please let me know! I'm very happy to hear your suggestions. 

The download link will be published in a separate post later. Thanks for supporting this game! Have a nice weekend!


游戏终于打包完成了! 这次花了很久的时间,主要是一开始以为只是简单的调整一下运动,最后心一横直接把项目完整重做了。这次的重构把整个代码规范了一下,主要也是为以后的开发做铺垫了。因为最近连续通宵了2周赶工。。。我估计会有不少bug,请大家多多理解。


1. 新的locomotion系统


2. 瞄准系统


3. 大尺寸的破坏系统:

这次的破坏系统大概是把city sample榨干净了。我都没有想到可以用在big map上。目前使用了GPU来进行破坏演算,所有的碎片被实时丢去用niagara粒子进行模拟。严格来说…… 这套优化已经是把UE5目前的破坏机制用满了,横向比较的话大概是之前效率的500%左右。不过优化后也有了一些bug,比如没办法在动作期间碰撞,这个我后面想想办法看看怎么调整一下。


1. 小人模式


2. GPT模式


3. Mega尺寸的破坏


4. 摆姿势模式


5. 网络模式?







Hey! Patreon tells me you have blocked new sign ups. How can I support you to get the download links?


想问问 攻击瞄准点怎么确认 之前还有TAB瞄准,现在主要是根据什么

Will Ji


Yankee Osiris

I would like to subscribe and try out the game, but it says you are not accepting new subscribers