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Links: https://dl.betterrepack.com/public

BR-Host: https://dl.betterrepack.com/BetterRepackUpdate/




hi, when i extract i always get an error and it causes it to fail, im not sure what is causing it.


[GDC] FS Garmet socks v1.0 does not work in this release.


cheat tools is not working in this version


this is a standalone version? or i need to copy, paste on original game folder? sorry i did not found this info, also i tryed standalone and half worked, i can start the game and make some function inside, but i cant have any sex with the girls, how to fix? sorry my english, not my main language


Having issues with the repack install. I downloaded all 18 parts on the google drive and renumbered the files but I still get an error saying unexpected end of data on the first file and cannot open file as archive on all of the others. What am I missing? Thank you.


Ye, that is a known google drive issue. See this picture for an explanation on how to resolve it: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/636488759013146624/1027290602615869530/unknown.png


I appreciate the message. I renumbered the files and tried using 7 zip and still get errors. If I just select the real #1 file to extract, I get unexpected end of data. If I select all of the files, I get 19 errors (mostly unexpected end of data). Are these files corrupt? This is the second time I've downloaded all of these and have had zero success installing. Any help is appreciated, but I really hope I don't need to download 60 more gigs of stuff.


weird error. [Error : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack trace: ADV.TextScenario.LoadFile (System.String bundle, System.String asset, System.Boolean isClear, System.Boolean isClearCheck, System.Boolean isNext) (at :0) ADV.Commands.Base.Open.Do () (at :0) ADV.CommandList.Add (ADV.ScenarioData+Param item, System.Int32 currentLine) (at :0) ADV.TextScenario+<_RequestNextLine>d__210.MoveNext () (at :0) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at :0) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) ADV.TextScenario:RequestNextLine() ADV.TextScenario:CommandAdd(Boolean, Int32, Boolean, Command, String[]) ADV.TextScenario:StartRun() ADV.TextScenario:UpdateRegulate() ADV.MainScenario:b__17_4(Unit) UniRx.Operators.<>c__DisplayClass5_0:b__0(Unit) UniRx.Operators.Where:OnNext(Unit) UniRx.Operators.Do:OnNext(Unit) UniRx.InternalUtil.ListObserver`1:OnNext(Unit) UniRx.Subject`1:OnNext(Unit) UniRx.Triggers.ObservableUpdateTrigger:Update()


That looks like something is weird with the files... you may want to re-extract the game... Has it worked earlier?