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Patreon-only download: https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-patreon-only-34099224
Links: https://dl.betterrepack.com/public/




I was looking forward to receiving this !! Thank you so much for all the effort you invest in this job, you are the best! <3


Thanks for the new version! I wanted to try new h-scene animations but I didn’t find them, there is no new animation showing in the usual menu on the right, just the default ones… can someone tell me if there is some way to make them appear? Thanks in advance.


I think they need to be turned on in the plugin settings it seems. I'll preactivate them in the next pack if that's the case. Should be available out of the box for the main game though.


Thanks for the very quick response!! You are right, I found an option in the plugin setting to enable it in free-h and now is working. Sorry, I didn’t see it when I searched in the settings. Thanks again for the answer and for all the work you are doing with your releases!!!


i downloaded it via BlackBlaze and when i tried to launch InitSetting.exe it wouldnt let me and The file is called Initsetting.exe.config


Sounds like something went wrong during unpacking. Make sure you're using a fully updated 7zip or winrar to extract, and receive no errors during extraction. You should find a initsetting.exe in the folder after extracting.


Hey there, whenever I try and talk to the guide, the game "freezes" in a sort of sense. I can exit to the main menu, and use the function keys, but that's about it. I haven't added anything to the pack besides character cards. I've tried a new save, re-downloading the pack, checking for updates, etc. Nothing has done it. I did some research and it seems it was an issue in the r2 pack, don't know if it's related or not. Any suggestions? Thanks for the great pack


I figured it out, It happens if you edit the guide's body on your save. Deleting the save folder in userdata fixed it. Edit: NVM still not working Edit 2: actually figured it out, if the player's character has "is trap or futa" checked wont let you talk to the guide