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Not yet decided if I'll go ahead and add this game to the lineup, but looks really promising so may do so...



Patreon-only download: https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-patreon-only-34099224
Links: https://dl.betterrepack.com/public




What is it? When I try to look it up I get a young adult book. It doesn’t help that the book is part of the “Master Game” series, so looking up “Summer Sacrifice game” does nothing.


Please add it to your list <3


Seems like a pretty good interesting game 🤔


Anyone know how to actually start the game? I get 4 menu options down the left side and none of them actually start teh game.


find-select "SummerLauncher" where you installed it


The game looks pretty good, but is it just a demo? when I launch the game I also only see 4 options, first one is char customization, second is benchmark, 3rd is settings and 4th exit the game, but can't find a way to actually play it :( at least the benchmark animation looks good. Edit: After fiddling with the options and translating some texts, it seems that it's just a demo/trial and from what I could see in the official site, the game will be released by the end of the year :(, hopefully it will be added in the future as it looks pretty good, similar to COM3D2 in terms of graphics.


Yes, you're correct, the pack called trial is indeed a trial ;-) it's currently expected a release in Dec I believe, but there's limited details about the game. I do agree that it looks very promising, and I'm very much looking forward to its release \o/


Yeah, from what I could understand they will be releasing more updates to the demo so hopefully we will get some real gameplay in the next months!


Minoscomi ftw~ :D


Do you have any plans for making repacks for their two other games?


Please add this game to your list. It looks unbelievable.


this game looks like it could be great. the H animations and penetrations look a million times better then KK or HS2


Yes please!