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Code analysis of todays HS2 code updates shows some code for identifying mods and deleting cards. Seems inactive, but do backup your UserData before applying any official update going forward for any illusion game! 

I'm waiting for mods to kill off this function before bundling todays update in my pack, and will also offer a backup of userdata as part of the offline updater going forward to make doubly sure that no data is lost due to this mindboggling addition.



Thanks for the Info. Do you know what has been chaged in the Update beside that? I red somewhere that maybe VR gets implemented. Keep up the good Work!


I thought VR was going to be released today as it was announced alongside todays update, but seems it's not available yet... Aside from that, todays update has a set of clothings and some bugfixes


I didn't know that was a thing, is it Illusion trying to prevent modding? For some reason I always thought they were pretty chill about it.


It's always been very clear that they cleanse their "uploader" website of modded character cards (but somehow scenes are OK). They're still locked in the previous century where they don't realize the sales boost they would be getting by opening everything up more (to be fair they've only started embracing the market outside Japan in just the past year or two - they've got a long way to go). I think because they rely on miserly updates for income between releases, they're terrified of "losing" that to third parties.


Seem a stupid move from Illusion. The publicity and customers for their games mainly exist because of modding community. They have nothing to win to fight this but everything to loose.

Frank Leo

Thank You


Can I update via the launcher or do I have to download everything again?


Thank yo for inform

Joe Mesh

Isn't like 95% of the popularity of Illusion games because of mods? That's like if Bethesda started banning mods in Elder Scrolls. Sounds like a dumb move to me.


Illusion should look at how Paradox embraced the modding community. A long time ago Paradox understood modders bring alot more attention and demand for the base game. The modders work to add on to the game they made for free making people want to buy it long after it has launched.


In answer to a couple comments here, I don't think the popularity of Illusion games outside Japan due to modding has had as big an impact yet as you would expect. My impression has been that their whole product cycle is based on profiting off of domestic sales in Japan entirely, and their recent forays into foreign markets via third parties and Steam are still really experimental at best. At the very least, I don't think they have much of a support system in place for English speakers, so they'd have a hard time keeping up with demand if their games really started selling overseas.


The biggest problem is that I don't think illusion is at all clear how big the demand is actually overseas. In addition, they don't necessarily want to deal with the different countries' laws. You can, but every illusion game, because the online shop also buy in Japanese. And just play through BR in your language. The overseas versions have the problem that the addons are not released at all. Which I can’t understand either. You could just do a shop, how it does kiss, how you can addons, or download the whole game.


you're such a gem... modders unite